


*Onos, a called to be a servant of Jesus Christ through the will of God. Grace be unto to you, and peace from God the Father, the Son and the holy Spirit* .

_First, I thank God through Jesus Christ for you all, that you have held on to God till now, that in trials and struggles of life, you never try to make it out your own way._

*I beseech you therefore brethren that ye keep searching and pressing into God in thy everyday life*.

_Though it might look as though he is not there sometimes. Never stop because ye are close in finding him. For whoever seek shall surely find_ .

*Brethren, I write to you not because I count myself to have apprehended nor as though I have already gotten the whole of God but to encourage thee to keep pressing up toward the mark of the high calling* .

_Our search for God is eternal. We will keep searching until we get the whole of him_ .

*Daily as we search for him we begin to see him little by little in different level and more clearer dimension because man can’t get the whole of him in his whole life. Even after we have being raptured with him, the search to know him more will still continue* .

_Let us therefore never stop seeking God because the dimensions he showed us today is not as the same he would love to show us tomorrow. The more you search for, the more he reveals himself. ACTS 17:27_

*He has never hidden himself from anyone, in fact he made himself visible as possible that everything around you see, live, breathe and speak by his steadfast love* .

_The Air reflect His invisibility, you can’t see it but eventually it’s what sustain every living creature and without it, such a being could be consider to be dead_.

*Everything God has created scream God’s wonders so loud. Even when you think you can’t trace him nor feel him, keep pressing in him because he is closer than the closest thing you can see*

_The search for the living God is a life time search, our journey and life is to keep searching until we find him and even after we’ve found him, we will keep on searching him in him_ .

*Believe me, as we search, we will definitely find him and from there marks the beginning of our changing. For we will see him in 3D as in a mirror, beholding his glory and his ways will become open to us, that we may journey in him* .

_Just as his mercy are new every morning same also is his glory. In fact, everything about God is new every morning. There is no end to his glory and reign neither is there an end to his personality_ .

*Beloved, with thy heart full of love, let thy hunger, longing and desire be proven and established in and by the word of God. Let thy longing and search for him not be for thy selfish interest but seek God’s interest first in all you do.*

_For as you do this, thou are seeking his kingdom and his righteousness. And don’t forget he is the reason for thy existence._

*Therefore my brethren, keep searching, for deep calleth unto deep and depth unto depth. Stay in God. Never be discourage. You might find him today. And after ye have find him, join men of love to seek him till eternity.*

Peace be unto thee and love with faith from God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
#season month
#welcome to July
#we shall not be few
#be inspired