

The Flawless Criminal Episode 2: Progress
​ Crestic Point Of View

Crestic had only thing to do. Blackmail.
He limped to the side of the alley and there was man in his about forties. Crestic seized the man’s arm. He turned.
“Who-who are you?” the man begged.
“I’m nobody. Pretend I’m not here. I don’t exist. Just throw all of your stuff there.” Crestic pointed at the far end of the alley. “And pretend you saw nothing. Plan understood, friend?” He grinned.
“Oh... Okay...” the man breathed. He rummaged in his pockets and his wallet and threw all of his cash, cards, a water bottle, a first aid kit and a heavy white polythene.
“Is that all?” Crestic asked menacingly.
The man swallowed. “Y-yes...” Crestic detected his body as the man added, “friend...”
“Good. Now go away. Run. Sprint. As fast as possible.”
The man smiled nervously, his eyebrows fallen down and ran away from the alley, soundless.
Crestic went to see his goodies. The resources were convenient enough. In the white polythene, there were fruits and a box of milk.
Crestic sat cross-legged and violently wrapped a thick gouge around his injured leg’s end where his foot used to be.
He then stuffed all of the goods in the polythene bag and crawled here and there and took a nap.

Dailia Cassini Point Of View

Dailia collected her accessories and clues and sat on an armchair as the rest of the students gathered together in groups, getting their case files and info works.
Rufous clapped his hands. “Now, students, please sit in an armchair.”
The students hurriedly got their equipments and sat in armchairs.
When the students had all sat down, Rufous declared, “Please gather in groups of three.”
The students left their accessories and equipments on their armchairs and started asking anyone around them.
“Wanna be partners?”
“Hey, let’s group.”
“Come in my team!”
“What’s your name?”
“Get in my team!”
“We got a squad!”
“C’mon, c’mon!”
Dailia looked around in the group and squashed in. There was a girl with pinkish, white, and shiny hair and skin, wearing a flower-designed shirt and a nice-looking boy in his about early 20s. He had black hair, cashew skin, a few freckle and wore a purple sweatshirt with bold letters on it that said “MASTERMIND”.
The pale girl and the freckled boy came to Dailia.
“Join me and Julia!” The boy said to Dailia.
Dailia looked around. “Me?”
“Yes, me...” the boy stammered, “I mean ‘you’!”
“Oh!” Dailia exclaimed. “Of course! What is your name?”
“I’m Julia,” said the pale girl.
“And I’m Dale,” said the freckled boy. “You?”
“Beautiful name.”
Dailia grinned. “Thanks! I think we can get to work?”
“I’m not sure,” Julia said
“I think Rufous is going to tell when we shall start,” Dale guessed.
“Okay, students!” Rufous shouted.
All the students stood stiff and gathered their equipments.
“You guys are free to leave Equity Academy and start working on your case.” Rufous pointed at the dusty spruce door. “I wish you all best of luck!”
The students started to leave in their groups with their case files, paperworks and the strangest clues: a bouquet of golden flowers, a pearl, a piece of glass, buttons, Hawaiian design handkerchiefs, boards the size of a saucepan, a bottle of soda, and spraypaint cans.
Dailia, Dale and Julia had these clues: paperworks, case files, informational chits of sandpaper, a magnet, a ripe mango, and an eagle shaped key.

Crestic Point Of View

Crestic woke up after a few hours of sleep and he was surprisingly not caught.
He grabbed the polythene bag which the man had given him and wandered behind buildings after buildings.
After minutes of limp-walking, he saw a small manhole that was hidden behind yellowish long grass. There were two words written on the ground near the manhole: Hejpasz Wires., DON’T ENTER, FIRE AND ELECTRIC HAZARD.
“Meh,” Crestic sighed.
I’ve escapes the most secured prison, he thought, Would I really be afraid of electric and fire?
He opened the way and jumped down and it was unexpectedly a short way down.
He put his polythene bad down, drank water and sat on a nearby big mosss rock.

Dailia Point Of View

Dailia was at Dale’e house’s living room.
They were opening the chits of sandpaper and all of them were empty except one.
This one sandpaper chit had written: ωερνεδδα P.O.L...... e
“What the–” Julia murmured at seeing these weird letters.
“What is this?” Dailia asked.
“I don’t even know what language is this,” Julia said, frustrated.
Dale put his hand on Julia’s shoulder. “I know what this is.”
Dailia and Julia looked at him.

Comment for part 3

© Arshi