

Husky - First and last (S1 ep1a)
New episode
Husky - First and last (S1 ep1a)

Gernes : comedy, fantasy and family

Date aired : 2020

Status : Ongoing

Description : Husky and Kitt ends up in detention and.....

Story represents
“Good morning class, today you guys are going to be writing the history of Washington as a test” Said Miss Valentina with a loud voice as the students said nothing and we're about to go out from the class.

“Not so fast folks, some of you are not going home” Added Miss Valentina curiously.

“O boy, Exactly what I was running away from, hook me back” Said Husky

“So umm, let's see, husky and........” Said Valentina as she didn't complete the word.

“I told you that I will never be in detention and why, cause I am...” Said Kitt as she aslo didn't complete her words too.

“And Kitt” Said Miss Valentina

“Cause I am.... What!!!!” Replied Kitt

“Wow, okay, here goes the first one then, get it? ” Leia said laughing

“So how does this place looks like, oh I know, it looks fantastic right?” Asked Husky

“Yeah, really really fantastic, noooo, this is the worst day of my life” Answered Kitt as she hit a book down to the ground.

“What kind of book is that, wait, see there's the history of Washington” Said Husky dusting it.

“Do you know what that means?” Said Kitt happily

“Yeah, that we can finally keep quiet” Said Husky seeing a teacher standing beside them.

“Oh sorry, we can also win the test” Said Kitt

UMM, I wouldn't want to say a word, but I guess only two people passed and let's see who is going to go the detention library, let's see” Said Miss Valentina.

“I!!!!!!!” Shouted Kitt as she jump out of her chair and went out of the class with eyes closed and hit the shelf of books and all fell making a big grand noise.

“Are you okay?” Asked Miss Valentina with a fake laugh 😬.

Thx for reading and pls like, share and comment, continues in the next episode
© Husky the dog