

Right doesn't need explaination
hello !! the shabby me 😉
And today nothing happens to me or u can say with me , I was all alone with my thoughts and a try to think about study 😅 as I have my 3 exams this week . But the moody queen, ofcourse me only ..,. just think of it and let the thinking to go onnn keeping it into a side corner of my mysterious brain🤓

so the thing which I gonna to say now , doesn't have any relation with my yesterday's incident so don't make ur mind in rush for this stupid question 😁😁

conclusion of being alone and thinking with the thoughts is:-
Never ever explain yourself more than twice to anyone either its your frnd, bf/gf, family for your mistakes or if u even have done a right thing with right thought process , bcz if they believe u then u need not to explain to them and if u are wrong according to them , then let them be in Same myth . But if u r right then be right at your place , never change the path once or the next they will realise that they were wrong , and comes to you...... accepting u with same reality as you were.

Thank you my thoughts for making me so "MATURE".