

The Diamond
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. He was masked and had a knife in hand. He laughed and he stepped closer,he grabbed me by my hair and just took me to an underground room and at gunpoint he aked me to decode the password.

Few hours ago,
My company has designed a lock which could only be decoded by us and has very new and efficient technology and in that the world's costliest diamond was kept. Many guards were protecting it and we were given national awards for our invention.

So all the people in our firm went to the bar to party for our success.... We all partied till late and late night we decided to go back to our homes... Unfortunately my car met with an accident and I was admitted in the hospital. The next day till the evening everything went smoothly. But at night no one was there near my ward and I could hear the footsteps treading.... I started running.

I have given my promise to the mayor to keep the diamond safe but now nothing could be done. I was at gunpoint and I was terrorised.

Suddenly I heard gunshots and there was hustle all around and in that hustle I was shot by a bullet and