


Dave : skipped the morning dose right ?
Glenda : yes I did, how long is it going to take ?
Dave : 20 mins, tops !

Said the doctor while adjusting the iv line from the med bag hanging from the iv stand and taping it in place on her wrinkled skin. Then he started the IV and the clear fluid started flowing into her forearm.

Glenda : it hurts !
Dave: is it better now ?
Said the doctor after slowing it down, to which she nodded in response and he sat down in the chair next to her bed.
Glenda : do u know what you remind me of ?
Dave: Okay, fun!.. what is it ?
Glenda : you remind me of a vampire !
Dave : ouch, and here I was waiting to hear something nice from atleast one of my patients at the end of the day. Why may I ask ?
Glenda : you dress up nice and sharp, in a coat, even though it is not black like a vamp would wear in the movies, well groomed, charming but mysterious.
Dave : mysterious ?
Asked the doctor trying to hold back his laughter.

Glenda : yeah, mysterious, I don't know anything about you .
Dave : OK, what do u want to know ?
Glenda : are you married ?
Dave: yes
Glenda: how long ?

After a long pause and a blank look in his face, the doctor replied,
Dave : I don't remember, anything else you want to know ?

Reading his expression and understanding that she might have hit a nerve, she asked
Glenda : why do movies always show vampires going after young women ?
Dave : movies are not always right ! Actually it is the other way round.
Glenda : how so ?
Dave : they prefer mature ladies like you
Glenda : that is bull crap !
Dave : come on, doesnt it make sense, because, the older you get, the sweeter you are !

Said the doctor smirking while trying to hold a serious face

Glenda : it kinda makes sense, my blood will taste better, because it has more sugar in it, diabetic , get it ?

Said Glenda and winked at the doctor,
Dave : yeah, young ladies never stood a chance, did they ?

The duo started laughing together.

Glenda : it's been long since I have laughed with someone.
On hearing this, the doctor's laughter started to fade and he asked

Dave : I heard, you are quite the 'lone wolf '
Glenda : yeah,my husband passed away a long time ago.
Dave : kids ?
Glenda : just one boy, my sweet angel
Dave : whats his name ?
Glenda: Jacob

Dave: where is he ?
Glenda : after his father passed, things were difficult, I had to work 2 jobs, always busy. It's just that, I wanted him to be something but he wanted to become something else. One day he had enough of this, and just left. That was 10 years ago.

Dave: did you try to find him ?
Glenda : I did , but eventually gave up, because my age caught up with me.

From the bed she was lying in, she pointed at the photo frame on the night stand in which a younger Glenda and her son, Jacob stood embracing each other.
The doctor looked at the picture and said,

Dave: you guys look happy

Glenda's eyes teared up but she smiled and said,

Glenda : wherever my sweet boy is, I just want him to be happy.

She wiped her tears and with a smile and added,

Glenda: stop hypnotizing me you vamp, I have spilled enough beans.
Dave : I shall dial it down for your convenience, sugar plum.

Replied the doctor charmingly in a deep voice.
Both giggled for a while and then the doctor said,

Dave : me and Irene had 2 kids, Mathew and Carol.
Glenda: aww, please tell me you have their pictures.
Dave : no I don't
Glenda : why ?
Dave : my wife just took the kids and their belongings and left, all that remained was a note that said " if you love them, don't come looking for us, I will make sure they live a good life, with love, Irene "
Glenda : why did she ?
Dave : all I know is she disagreed with how my profession was affecting our family.
Glenda : please tell me you found out where they went ?
Dave : I did, but I just kept my distance
Glenda : why ?
Dave : they somehow, seemed less miserable without me and like you said Glenda, wherever they are, I just know they are happy and that's enough.

Glenda held Dave's hand to console him and they smiled at each other. Dave noticed that Glenda was becoming drowsy and said,

Dave : the medicine is almost over, u can sleep if u want, I will show myself out when it's done. When is your next appointment with me ?
Glenda: July, I think, can you come earlier ? I like talking to you .
Said Glenda with a smile trying to keep her eyes open.

Dave : I am sorry sweetie, I have other appointments I have to attend and besides, there is a time interval between these procedure for it to work.
Glenda : okay, did you have dinner ?, there is some left over if .........

Glenda slowly fell asleep as she felt really tired.

She woke up after feeling a sharp pricking pain where the IV needle was, only, there was no IV line or bottle of medicine hanging from the IV stand next to the bed. There was only one thing next to the bed and it was the doctor, kneeling, face down on her forearm. She could hear squelching sounds beneath his face but couldn't see anything because his head was covering her limb.

Still feeling the pain on her forearm, trying to hide the fear in her voice, she asked,

Glenda : what are you doing ?

With this the doctor, stood up slowly, letting go of her arm, revealing 2 puncture wounds that started oozing blood. The pain started increasing as the blood started drenching the bed sheets beneath her and she raised her head to look at the doctor.
His head was tilted side ways staring down at her. Lower half of his face, teeth and the two long fangs drenched in blood, altogether trying to formulate an evil grin. Then, all of a sudden, his face started to morph back and forth between that of the doctor's and one another person that looked familiar and said in a growling distorted voice,

Dave : you wont remember any of this tomorrow, thank you for the leftovers, I am full, you can go back to sleep, sweet dreams, mother !

Realizing that the one, that the doctor's face reshaped into, looked like her son, Jacob, if he was older , she fell asleep wondering whether all this was a dream or not .

The End
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