

upgrade one's self
I wanna start my journey on upgrading my present. Am I afraid in doing so ?? Or Am I just being lazyy ?? Am I afraid that I couldn't make it ?? Am I gonna hurt people around me ?? Am I not confident enough to make a move?? Am I ready to have a change in life?? Am I having different thoughts and just wasting time?? Am I not inspired enough to start ??
whatever thoughts I may run into.. I want to ask one thing to myself. Do u really want to do that , then don't run into the outcomes of it, just go for it and u will surely enjoy the path of difficulty and pain. And one day, u will proudly say that I have done everything I can and I don't wanna stop. Step out and think of what u want to do, rather than what u can do.
Whatever life may turn to, just smile and do whatever u wanna do.