

Made To Order
It was an ordinary day. Ordinary-being the keyword. It was Thursday, and I was at the local deli ordering my usual - a turkey sandwich with cheese and lettuce, a treat for myself since it was payday.

"No tomato or mayo, JD?"

I looked at Chuck, the owner, who always teased me. I smiled at him.

"No, thank you."

He finished my order, and I paid him. I sat down and unwrapped heaven. Well, plain heaven, but still it was heaven to me. I lifted it to my mouth to take a bite and noticed a man beside me. I tried not to stare, but got an uneasy feeling. I discreetly wrapped the sandwich and stood up to make a quiet exit. I could always eat in the car. I was about to get up and walk out, and my ears were pierced with the words.

"Nobody move. This is a holdup!"

The place went quiet and I groaned. Not out of fear, but more out of annoyance; it was my lunchtime, I was starving, and the mystery guy with the sunglasses and baseball cap was ruining my hour.

He walked over to Chuck and demanded that he open the register. He obliged and stuffed the money into the bag that was handed to him. I looked on in disbelief. I was in a dream. I'm would wake up to my alarm, and this was all going to end. I realized it wasn't when I felt a hand grab my arm. It was his hand, and I struggled.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, but he was insistent as he pulled me towards him.

"Keep quiet and you won't get hurt."

He forced me to the door. I desperately reached for my sandwich that was left on the table, but no luck. Outside I was more angry than afraid. He led me to a black SUV and pushed me inside. He looked at me surprised when I ranted on how he ruined my lunch. Any sane person would be begging for their life. I was lusting for a sandwich. I was still complaining as he started the car, turned up the radio-I assumed to drown me out, and drove away.

We finally arrived at his destination. An apartment complex. I was still complaining about my sandwich. He turned the key off, then took off his sunglasses and looked at me with annoyance.

"You done yet?"

I stared at his intense blue eyes and sighed. "You know you ruined my lunch."

"And I'm supposed to be concerned?" He got out of the SUV, walked over to my side and opened the door. "Get out."

"I think I'll stay here."

"It wasn't a request. I was ordering you. Now get out." He grabbed my arm and pulled me out towards him. "Walk with me if you don't want nothing to happen."

I decided it was best to pay attention if I ever expected to see another turkey sandwich again.

I walked with him to the door. He took out his key and unlocked it. He pulled me inside. He walked over to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He took out some items and threw them on the counter.

"Here, maybe this will shut you up for a few minutes."

I walked over and took a closer look. Turkey breast, American cheese and a head of lettuce. I glare at him.

"The bread is behind you."

"This isn't from Chuck's Deli."

He mocked me. "This isn't from Chucks. Will you just be quiet and eat? You should be thanking me that I'm permitting you to live in the first place."

I took out the bread and began slapping pieces of meat on it. I made my sandwich and took a bite. With a mouth full of food, I asked, "You got anything to drink?"

He opened the refrigerator again and threw me a can of diet soda.

"Diet?" I asked.

"Drink it or die of thirst."

I opened the can and took a gulp. I finished my lunch. He waited patiently. As soon as I took the last bite, he grabbed my plate and placed it in the sink. He pointed to a chair in the living room.

"Sit down."

"I like to stand."

"It wasn't a request."

I sighed, walked over and sat. He took a rope out of the kitchen drawer and walked over. I jumped up.

"Oh no. You are not tying me up."

"I need to go out and you need to stay here."

"No, you need to let me go so I can get back to work. You know what a job is, don't you, or is this what you do for a living?"

"You don't need to worry about what I do. All you need to worry is about staying alive."

He took my hand and led me to the window. "See that car out there?"

I nodded

"Well, they are after me and anyone associated with me."

I was too exhausted to get upset. "Great, so that means..." I plopped down in the chair. He took out the rope.

"You know you don't have to do that. I'm not going anywhere."

I heard him snicker and he smiled.

"I wasn't trying to be funny."

I didn't realize that he was tying me to the chair as the conversation continued.

He finished and walked to the door.

"Wait a minute. What if I have to go to the bathroom?"

"Cross your legs." He walked out and locked the door behind him.

I sat there for what seemed like hours and began to think. It was the only thing I could do since I was tied up. His face was embedded in my mind, especially his eyes. I knew I had seen him before. The deli? No. On the street? I didn't think so, and then it finally dawned on me. He was a customer that came in the store I worked at. I thought more about the snicker and smile he gave me earlier. I remembered him, and I knew now he took me for a reason. I waited for him to walk through the door so I could reveal what I knew. I was far from being afraid. I was annoyed more than anything. He finally walked in and smiled at me. I glared at him as he walked over and untied me. I sat there motionless.

"I thought you might have to go." He nodded towards the bathroom.

"You were in the store last week," I blurted out.

"I'm in a lot of stores."

"Cut the crap. You know what I mean."

He ignored me and pulled me up.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

He pushed me toward the bathroom. "Do your business and we'll talk."

I stood there for a minute. I was dying. I had to go. But I didn't like being told what to do. He placed his hands on my shoulders and whispered, "Go, or I will talk about everything water related."

That was all I needed to hear as I hurried inside and slammed the door.

"Make sure you wash your hands," I heard him call from behind it.

I finished and walked out.

"Sit." He ordered as he pointed to the couch. I walked over and sat down, and he sat beside me. Complete silence.

I turned to him and asked, "So are you going to tell me?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Who are you and why am I here?" I asked, frustrated.

"You know that car outside?"

"The one from earlier?"

"Yes. Well, I am in some trouble with them. Let's just say it was a business deal that went wrong."


He shook his head. "Not that. Will you please listen?"

I looked at him.

"The only way I can survive is if I'm married or pretend to be in my case."

I stared in disbelief.

"So you're saying you took me so you could pretend I was your wife?"

He looked at me.

I was still in shock trying to process what I just heard.

"I've been watching you a lot, JD.

My ears stung hearing him say my name. He took off his shirt, and I stared at his chest. I cleared my throat.

He noticed the tension. "I'm sorry. It's a little stuffy in here. I'll put it back on."

"It's fine," I stammered.

He changed the subject.

"So, what does JD stand for?"

"You really want to know?"

"Yes I do."

"It stands for Jacqueline Danielle."

He smiled at me. I was not amused.

"I hate my name, so I've always gone by JD.

"Well, Jacqueline Danielle, I think you have a beautiful name."

He then did something that took me by surprise. He pulled me towards him and kissed me. He let go, got up and walked into his bedroom. I heard the door shut as I sat on the couch, feeling unsure of what to do.

I sat there with my mind going a million miles an hour. Did he just kiss me? Did I let him do it? I did, and I liked it. Damn him. Why did he do that? I knew it was on purpose trying to complicate things for me.

I was annoyed, and yet turned on, but I wasn't going to let him get the best of me. I finally got up and walked over to his bedroom. The door was shut. I didn't bother to knock. I opened the door and slammed it shut. I stood against it. He was lying on the bed.

'Smug bastard' I thought to myself. I shook the thought, faked a smile and walked over to him.

"I bet you thought I'd just sit on the couch all night. I bet you thought I'd just let that kiss go." I reached the bed and climbed on it. He watched me intently. I continued.

"You know when you tied me up today?"

He nodded. A smile was painted across his face, and I could see he was excited. I was too, but I knew I could hide it better. It was an advantage of being a woman. I continued to work myself on him as I climbed on top and pinned both of his arms down.

"Well, I was hoping you would have taken advantage of me. I then gave him a pouty look. "Didn't you want me? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Not at all," he stammered. "In fact, you are very beautiful. Why did you think I kissed you?"

"Well, then, if that's how you feel."

His hands still pinned, I leaned down and kissed him. His mouth caught mine, and I felt the sparks. Fuck, I wanted him. I wanted to rip off his jeans. I wanted to touch him, but I kept calm. We continued to kiss. I released his arms. He sat up as I remained on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around me. He began to kiss my neck, and I moaned. He didn't hesitate as he took off my shirt. He kissed my shoulder, and I felt his lips travel down my cleavage. He then licked over the material of my lace bra. I could feel my nipples getting hard, and I'm sure my panties were soaked, but I had to remain strong. I pushed him away making him confused.

"I'll be right back," I told him as I climbed off of him and walked into the other room. I grabbed the rope that he had tied me up with earlier and walked back in. I climbed back on top of him and pinned his arms down once again.

"So, since we are getting a little personal here," I cooed at him,"I thought we could try something. I like to role play. Do you?"

"Yes." He tried to get out. I could see he was on the edge. I knew he needed some relief, and I was sure it was killing him. I took the rope and tied his hands together to the bed. I leaned down and licked up his stomach, chest, neck, and finally kissed his lips. He leaned forward, deepening the kiss. God, he was a good kisser. 'Focus J.D. Don't let him get to you. He deserves this. Focus, focus, focus!'

I tried to do so as we continued to kiss. I took his face in my hands. I was starting to feel bad for what I was about to do, but I refused to back down.

"I want you," I whispered in his ear. "I want you so fucking bad."

I then proceeded to tell him exactly what I was going to do to him; all the naughty things that would drive him insane. He moaned in anticipation.

I reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. I looked down at his boxers, and I could tell he was ready to go. I eased them off of him and ran my hands over his body. They remained slow and steady. I wanted to get him close, but not over the edge. That would be too easy for him, and I was not going to let him have his way. I finally got to his crotch, and I could feel he was hard through the material as I grabbed onto it. I began to rub it lightly through the material, and his moans turned into pleas. I ignored him as I was face to face with him.

"Calm down. Have you ever heard of self-control?" I asked.

"When you do that to me, self-control is the last thing I'm thinking about."

I kissed him one last time. "Well, then I think maybe tonight's the night to learn about it."

He looked at me, confused at first. I smiled knowingly at him, and he finally realized what I was about to do. "Oh no, please don't tell me..."

I climbed off of him and backed out of the room. I smiled seductively at him as I left.

"Are you serious? Are you fucking serious?" He tried to untie himself, but I had the rope on pretty tight and the way I had him tied up, there was no way he was getting out of it.

I slammed the door shut, and I could still hear him bitching as I walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer off the shelf. This night was getting better and better. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the television. My favorite show was on, and I turned up the volume drowning out his bitching and complaining. Maybe next time I would let him have his way with me, but tonight, a lesson was going to be learned, whether he liked it or not.

© daninicole76