

The Ventriloquist Act 19
Mr. Hanks left their house at 5:00am. He have 2 hours to arrive there. At 7:16, he made it there, and ambled to the door. The man opened the door within 5 minutes.
"Hi, you again, what ca..."
Mr. Hanks walked passed him, infiltrating inside the shop.
"I need you to do something with this," he demanded, holding the tied up garbage bag with the dummy's spliced body parts inside.
"What on earth do you have there?" The man asked.
"The dead dummy," he said.
"Oh God."
"Yeah. I cut this little mutherfucker up into fish sticks," he said.
"Nice. I know exactly where to put it, come with me," the man said, taking the bag and placed it inside a fire storage in the shop's basement.
Mr. Hanks watched the bag burned. "I know he is fried for good this time."
"Indeed he is," the man said, closing the storage door.
"Thank you Mr...?"
"Fredrick Willis," he informed.
"Thanks Fred. Take care," he said, leaving the place.
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