

I hope it was me again
English version;

ctto:"University Confession Files"
(This is not an SPG Story)
"Hey you have a turon on your desk"
"their is someone who gave you a turon"
"Ayieeee!!! she had a supplier of turon"
I still remember those lines from my friends when you entered to my life. You were a vendor of 'TURON' and at the same time STUDENT in our University, where we studied. I didn't even knew before why you always gave me a turon when everytime when you are selling it to our prof and to the students. Since we were freshmen to sophomore it doesn't have a day without you giving me a turon, but I never even taste it. I've been ignored you many times. When you chat Me on fb, or even personal.
Sophomore, second sem I met Bryan. He courted me. Yes, he became my boyfriend. He was a basketball player the reason why their are so many women liked him and that's why I felt lucky before. Because their dream is in me.Every game of Bryn I always supported him. Sitting at the bench just to cheer him. Giving him water and trying to wipe his sweat every time, even though I have my class. When the game started, everyone was so busy watching, while you? you are busy selling your turon.
One time, When my boyfriend's team won the game I jumped towards him and congratulate him as well as his team mates. I expected that there will be so much fan's nearing at him and trying to flirt at him and so I hugged him tightly and kissed him on the lips. i knew that you saw it, i thought that you'll leave because of my sudden action and because of me being so PDA, instead you have the courage to go near on me and walk confidently giving me your turon and then leaving me with a smile plastered in your face.

Bryan asked me at that time about you.

"Just, don't mind him." i said to him then he kissed my forehead that made me feel that I WAS THE PRETTIEST WOMAN IN THE WHOLE WORLD.
Third year,It was just like before. That's why my friend annoyed me more and always bugging me about you. You have your courage and that's why I appreciated you as you. You are so strong and that made me realize it. Even though I had a boyfriend at that time you didn't even stop giving me a turon even though I didn't even eat it.
Fourth year, first sem. Bryn and me are still together. But now theirs the true climax of our story. We always fight because of nonsense things. We are in fourth year when the rumors began spreading, like Bryn cheating on me. I was so very devastated at that time.

And because I really love him, I tried to avoid the rumors and stayed focus to our relationship even though it hurts.

My friends once said, why not you? you have waited me for how many years and here's me ignoring you.

Fifth year, (5 yrs course)That's the intense part of it. Me and Bryn was in a conflict relationship.
Theirs so much student who said that it was proven. Bryn was cheating on me and had a relationship with anika. That time I don't have a choice. I can't do anything even though im his girlfriend. I'm so very stupid to let him do what he can do to me. I don't have the right to speak because I don't have the right evidence just to strike them and just to prove my thoughts.
Until one day you saw me crying at the library, I was crying at that time because Bryn didn't came to our lunch date. He does it how many times, and here I am being martyr. You walked towards me and as usual , giving me again a turon. and because I'm hungry at that time i got the turon from your hand.
As in. It was my first time to taste the turon. How many years you always gave me a special turon. After I ate it.. I've realized that it was so very Delicious. That time i was just like a child who was so very pleased and grateful, for thay day I ate a three turon from you.

The, that time we became to be friends.I felt comfortable with you. I thought it'll be boring hanging out with you. But that is just what I thought. You are always there to comfort me. To make me laugh because of you being bubbly.
One day, my boyfriend saw us he was so very angry at that time on you. He wants to punch you harder but you unfortunately stayed with me. Your so strong .

Until I decide to stay away from you, thinking the right decision between you and me. I beg to you. I want you to stay away and leave me alone. But you didn't even listen to me instead you kneeled in front of me and you said"please, even if you won't love me back just let me stay with you and let me comfort you..until your heart will heal" I cried. That time I realize and was snap in the reality.
3rd Anniversary with Bryn. I was about to surprise him but he didn't came. Even his silhouette I didn't saw it. I cried and very devastated, it hurts.

I don't know where I want to go at that time. Then I thought you, called you. Your voice made me cry. I let my self drown because of anger I let you come in our house just to let myfeeling heal . In 20 minutes you came. you saw me crying like a child. You walked towards me and hugged me tightly then I hugged you back.
I thought you'll said the favorite line of my friends like" just like what We said. Broke up with him" but you stayed silent

I invited you to drink with me but then you denied it once but because I'm so very devastated at that time you don't have any choice just to agree.

We got in your small house. The dark house is what I saw.
I found your siblings eating. Then your mom who was cooking. When we begin to drink I cried because of bryn. While you? you cried because of being poor.I was staring at you if how you cried because of poverty. You said that time, you want to achieve your goal as a engineer. I cried because of you.

you really want to help them. You don't have a father that will help you and because your the eldest you grabbed all responsibilities as a father.
11:00 PM when we are done drinking. I decided to go home and because it was so dangerous for me to walk at the dark hallway. I don't remember the whole story but the only thing that I remembered is that you grabbed my waist then you pulled me closer to you and... you kissed me passionately. Never been kissed like that. You kissed me like I was been cared by you. I kissed back, I saw your eyes closed, . But reality strike me, I still have my boyfriend.
I slapped you and I didn't know why I do that to you. I run as fast as I could. I run away from you but you kept chasing me while crying.

You apologize to me but I ignored you. I left you hanging without me comforting you as what you always do to me.
when I got home I checked my cellphone, there was a unread message from bryn.
"Stay with your Kenneth"
From: Babe
And then my heart started to beat fast. Thinking, that he saw us kissing. I don't know why I felt like that. I want to slap him because his the one who didn't came on our anniversary. But I felt guilt because if what i've done. i felt that I'm the only one who's cheating that's why I decided to avoid you Kenneth. Sorry. I chose him. Sorry Kenneth.
I blocked you in messenger. I ignored you again.
One time you gave me a turon again but then instead to receive it joyfully, I put it into the trashcan. You saw it but you just smiled at me and gave me another turon again.I felt annoyed to you you made me guilty.I shouted on you and many students caught their attention. They saw how the scenes that made you embarrassed then you left me.
I knew to my self that I made you embarrassed. Then there's that part where you also avoided me that makes me want to feel your present again. You didn't give me any special turon.

After I chose that decision i thought it'll be ok , that me and bryn will be ok but it was wrong. I felt like our relationship would never be the first time around.
Graduation day, Thats the part that we've been waiting for. You will become an engineer as what you want to be. I was happy seeing you standing on stage with your diploma. How happy you were. When you walked down, the first persons that you hugged is your family.Suddenly our eyes met, i avoided my eyes on you I turned my back on you. But theirs someone who approached me. I thought it was you but it was bryn. He gave his phone to me just to take photos with his friends.
After college, my mother sent me in Singapore to help my Auntie for our the small business. How many weeks I stayed there and bryn broke up with me. I expected it.I grabbed that moment to keep myself busy.
3 years has passed. 3 years without seeing you. I decided to go home in the Philippines. I miss my family there. Also, I miss you.

When I got home my frineds just informed me that your now a professional engineer. I got to your house but your present was not there even your mom and your siblings.

When I decided to go home I saw a church and decided to go there and pray. When I closed my eyes I pray that I would like to see you now and confess my feelings that we are really the man that I want to. The man that I was really loved.
When my eyes opened I saw a guy kneeling at the altar. The back of his is kind of familiar. His praying silently. I walked towards the man,my eyes widened when I saw... YOU. Silent is between me and you. My hands trembled and tears started to form.
Then suddenly theirs a girl who walked towards us. She's was beautifully smiling at you. It felt like weird. it hurts when I saw you smiling at him and then when she stop infront of you you kissed her forehead and to her lip. I can't stop myself , I want to cry but I cant. I had a mix emotion when I saw you kissing her saying to myself it should be me. it should be me Kenneth.
Pleasee wake mee uppp! I WISHED THAT WAS ONLY ONLY A NIGHTMARE!!! When a minute came the Father came and tackled about your wedding. It Hurts!! Kenneth please?
I want to beg you. stay with me please!
Then your infront of me with your girl.You smiled to me, and I smiled too but I felt the pain the tears run through my cheecks. I stare at you and to your girl. She's beautiful more beautiful.
Kenneth, I had a only one question for you to answer

do you still love me?
You broke the silence. I miss your voice Kenneth.
"Hi Mariel, meet Sunshine MY-SOON-TO-BE-WIFE"
--- --- ---
Thank you Kenneth, my knight in shining armor. Thank you for making me special before. Thank you for treating me as your queen. You've been part of my life. Im sorry for not knowing your worth. I hope you'll love her more as what you love me before. wishing you good luck Kenneth.

love, Mariel

base on true story