

When Calm becomes Chaos...
6:00 A. M. she had the road to herself. There was not much traffic, the orange of dawn had yet to break the nighttime spell on the eastern sky. The twilight sparkled.. And cool air wafted.
She parked the car outside, and took a minute to enjoy the quietude..leaning against her car.
It was just the star scattered sky and her alone. The night was calm and peaceful: no noise, no hurry, no demands..
That would all change in a couple of hours.. Then the the world would be awake, a few thousand alarm clock buzz, few thousand doors and windows would welcome the sun's rays. And serenity would be invaded as suburbia awakened.
Just like, when the conductor silences the cacophony and only the flute is allowed to sing, and sing she does.... What calmness was that?..
Still caught by the mornings spell.
Death was distant, the fear and debts and angry phone calls have passed.And, for a while her world was a calm moonlight..
Finally she picked the paper and walked across the car park past the sleeping dog of the twentieth century: the alarm system... Unlocking the door with ease and walked in.
The code box on the wall was flashing a red light as if it was telling her: "Punch in the code, girl, or get ready for some music.
She punched the code...
Nothing happened....
She punched again.... And again... The red light kept blinking... She punched in again... The red light snickered at her..... Time was running out.. Ten seconds.. Ten... Nine... Eight......... Oh nooooooo! she groaned trying not to panic.... She kept pushing and the alarm kept flashing red... Noooo it's about to hit!..
The siren pounced on her hungryly devouring her. Flood lights flash flooded the hallway, she kept pushing the buttons and the alarm kept blaring... God have mercy... Her pulse race he forehead glistened she felt desperate the she turned and raced down the hall.
The next 5 minutes were loud, demanding, confusing and aggravating.

The police man arrived and tapped on the door.. The lights went off the alarm ceased... Dawn breaks the sky..
A paper fluttered by and landed near the police man.. He picked it up and read the first line: When Calm becomes Chaos!.