

Women Harassment Part 1
As we dig deeper into articles and cases..we can find the heinous crime rates increase.. there's no limit on what you'll get to read..It literally makes me wonder what is going on with people..what do they think and most importantly WHY??..How can we steep so low..We are unable to respect each other as humans even

Many a times I doubt if this is the very same land which has devis and strong ladies like Seeta, LaxmiBai, Draupadi in its history. We still worship them.n.don't we? People will physically fight with men who even look at their sisters and mothers the wrong way while they themselves are doing the same.. full fledge hypocrisy

Its not only men who are the reason of crime charts but us, women, as well, if we teach our sons and brothers, to respect humans and not just women, things will be better

Go anywhere.. even a simple shop and somehow you will find a creep..Why are we supporting men we know no matter what happens?

A crime by a son is a mistake but a mistake by a daughter is a crime

We, women, never fail to judge, taunt and humiliate each other..We degrade each other for any reason possible.. Factually speaking, these habits are instilled into us from a long time.. If we are able to break so many norms then why not this.. remember there was a time when we couldn't even write on these topics..time has changed..but it is up to us if it's changed for good or evil..Do your part..lets all try to be better version of ourselves..we can try atleast.. can't we?

It ain't a poem but a necessary message I wanted to convey

If you think questions raised here are genuine.. the first time I'll ask you all to tag people so that we all can read this and ask different questions. Don't forget to tag me in such posts.. Thank you

© poetic_parade

#women #crime #rape #crimeagainstwomen #irony #necessity #life #hathras