

Today's new generation
In a village, there was lived a young man with 2 sons. He was educated person and his sons also well educated. They had made the future bright for both the sons. After a long time his father got now retired and his children's behavior is good with them.After some time his father had took stroke due to brain hamerage, and he got paralised.His children gave him a separate room. When his children got grown up, they both got married and they wanted to spend some time with family as a honeimoon for a while. His children got hired a servant for him who take care for him for a while.. His both children got outside the country and they left the father alone at home with the servant.On the next day the servant went to the market for purchasing food item for him and at that he locked him in the room, as asual he continued some days and unfortunately one day he got to the market and didn't return home backe due to a accident happened on the road. The old man was under loocked at home and was laying on the bed alone. His children never called him.
After a long time his both children came home back and they saw the door was locked, they got Amazing what was happened there and where was the servant. Now they broke the look of the door and got inside the room and they saw a skeleton was on the bed.
He is the father of these children who brought everything for their future but unfortunately at the time of their older age his both children never came for his help. The old man was died due to hungry because his servant was died due to accident and he was paralised nobody was their for help. He was died before many years ago and nobody was knowing.....
This is the heart touching story and it was happening in a real case.. May Allah show us right from wrong path,and May Allah show the mercy such that type of children who can't do respect for their parents in the older age..