

少女 (Deep sea)
In this deep part of the sea, the jellyfishes summons them to swim along with the currents.

To hide away from our problems

To witness the real, cruel colors of reality, the rainbow fades away, the string of violet disintegrate....

In thousands of species, the rainbow appears to be real, but there's one that partly can't accept, humanity.

Those whose rainbow shine refuses to accept it.
It's a misconception to refuse our true selves to make our lives better.

To the heterosexual norm, it isn't the right way to treat others that are open to their selves, a piece of disgrace in this society.

As a hetero, we, heteros should accept sexuality as a whole.

This is from a lgbt supporter, if you don't agree with this, you can disagree.
(Really late, Mayuko, Really late.)
© Mayuko