

Days - Chapter 1
March, 20XX. Today was the day I found the sky prettier than usual... why is that? I don't know... but I feel that something right is about to happen...

" Maya! get up! " My cousin shouts as he knocks on my door, barely awake I replied with a loud enough okay. " I know it's your last week of school, but it doesn't mean you get to be late. " He says as he walks away. I slowly stretch my arms and legs, still covered with a comfy blanket, I struggled to sit up on the bed. " Why can't I just teleport to school? " I groaned as I got out of bed, slipping on my slippers heading out of my room towards the bathroom.
As soon as I got ready with my backpack behind me, I went towards the dining room. " Morning Dan " I said as I walked towards the table with all of the food prepared and ready to eat. " Morning " He replied as I place my bag on the side of my chair. I took a seat and started to eat. " Thanks for the breakfast " I said. A few bites in to my toast I then found myself staring at Dan who was cleaning the used dishes with his back facing me. ( I still don't buy it that we're related... I mean, he's hair is so much lighter than mine, his is almost blond, while mine is a deep dark brown... almost black... his eyes are dark, almost those of a reflective mirror, while mine are light grey... no facial or body feature similarities... I mean, I guess not every cousins or relatives in general have to have the same complexion and features... but still... he said our parents were siblings... I don't even remember what my parents looked like) as these things were running through my mind, Dan felt that I was staring at him. " What is it? I don't want a small part of my head to be bald from you staring so hard. " He said playfully. I snapped out of it and laughed. " that was what I was aiming for " I said as I continued eating, he flicks his wet hands on the sink then wipes it dry on a cloth and turns to face me. " What is it? " He walks to the table and sits down. " Is there something you wanna say? " He added, not wanting to avoid the question, I said what went through my mind, Dan looked at me with a baffled look and smiled " Well, that's a normal thing to say early in the morning " He says sarcastically and grabs a toast and walks towards the sofa, not even giving me any proper reply to what I have just told him. " Don't take your time, you're going to be late for school " He said as he took a glimpse of the time on his wrist watch. I looked at the clock on the wall to my right and cursed in my mind, I grabbed my bag and took a sip of water and hurried out the house to catch my bus. Luckily I caught it in time, after sprinting as if being chased by dogs, who wouldn't? I sat down and tried fixing my hair aimlessly with my fingers ( I swear that my hair is a mess right now).
As I stair outside the window, I remember Dan's reply, for some reason it felt as if he tried to avoid clearing or even answering my doubt... but oh well, it doesn't matter... it's not like it's first time... he's probably doing so for a reason.

That's what I though tho.

© every second is yours