

Voice from my Inner🖤!!#3
Here's the third part of mindset of people, the actual reality.

In different countries ,different social evils took place. In previous part we have seen that how cruel humans nature is towards the animal. But not only to the animals, human have shown their cruelty to many among them also.

Here's a short story on one of the biggest social evils which yet had not completely abolished which is "CHILD LABOUR".

Mr. Bean and his friend Sam were returning after watching a movie on child labour. They have decided to go to a restaurant to have their supper. It was not a big one bt a small restaurant.They sat down and start discussing about the movie. They said ,"how cruel people r towards young children, this child labour must be abolished and so on.... bt as soon as their talks get over they called out, "Chotu (a 13 ur old boy) , take our orders" nd after having their meal they went away.

Through this small narration of story I just wanted to say that if we are aware of the consequences of the social evil then y we don't focus on all this evil,y we ourselves give a rise to these type of evils. If one will start then only a chain will become.
"Let's together hold our hand in hands and let all the social evil be removed from our society, from our city, from our state, from our nation nd from the whole world"

© @A.t
From here the part comes to an end. Thank u all for reading it and I hope directly or indirectly my voice have reached to all of ur heart...