

dream chaser
I am not an athlete neither am i good at races yet at the very instance i get to crawl,I am adviced and taught to chase you.
As a human without super powers i tend to get tired easily,when i stop to rest,I try to build a motorcycle well technically it is not cheating since the only rule given is not to loose focus on the target(you).
Hey,I am a lady in case you were expecting a guy.i don't really have the muscles and body builds of a guy so please don't be offended.
you know people think i can't really get to you because of my gender but no one is stopping me from getting to you.
you are kind of the main reasons i was brought to this world.i don't know how to explain it but every breath i take and my thoughts,it just centers on how to get to you. am not giving up on you,I don't care what the society says or think this is me vs you.
it is quite funny who you are though because you are abstract,i can't see you but believe me i think of you every day and every minute.

you are what i want to see myself in years to come
you understand your importance to me?
maybe some other time,I will explain better,time is not on my side,I just stopped to my motorcycle and i have to continue my race.
Till we meet!!
your dreamer..
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