

The Set Up
The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her, that is if he had killed her.

He was no murderer. and he didn't even know the woman or how she got in his room. He had a governorship election to run, but a scandal like this could destroy everything he had ever planned.

No one knew that he was here. Apart from those closest to him. so it was safe to say, one of them might have had a hand in this. He dropped the knife, making sure to wipe it clean of his DNA that may be found on it, using the already bloodied bedsheet.

He decided to take the humble man's approach. He called the room service, and called his head of protection. The room service attendant came in, and seeing the gruesome picture, she started to scream. He screamed back at her, asking how the hell the body got in his room. The woman was to shocked to answer.

His head of protection came minutes later and seeing the picture, the first thing he did was to find out if his boss was safe. Satisfied, he turned to look at the body on his boss's bed. Even he was confused because he had not seen that person before. Deciding that it was a set up, they began to create a plan that will not only help them out, but also expose the person behind it.
© Naomi Obasi