

The Last Sang IV
I waited until just before the sun set to make my move. I carefully pulled on my black tank top and skirt before inspecting the hall. The house was light tight and I was able to move around safely. Everyone was still locked away in their coffins as I swiftly made my way downstairs. I was surprised just how easy it was to break into my father's secret lab. I removed the key he had hidden inside one of the books on the shelf and slid the shelf over revealing the door behind it.
I carefully clicked the key into the lock and opened up the door. It was dark going down the stairs, I felt along the wall as I descended slowly step by step into the pitch black. Once I finally reached the last step I could feel a switch on the wall behind me and I quickly flipped it up. The lights flickered momentarily before a steady stream of white light flooded the room.
"You have to get me out of here." The man pleaded still cuffed to the chair.
"What is your name?" I asked as I slowly approached.
"Loki, I am from the serpentine tribe of the North." he answered sitting up with his hand pinched close to the floor still held by the cuff. "Do you mind?" he asked motioning to the cuff around his wrist raising an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah, of course." I said grabbing the key ring off the wall and fiddling for the key. "So your really of the Serpentine Tribe?" I asked clicking the key into the cuff releasing him.
"Yes, you seem surprised." he answered rubbing his wrist and pulling the towel my father had left closer around his waist.
"Well, I mean last I heard your entire tribe had been wiped out due to the virus." I answered nervously as I rummaged through my father's old wardrobe to find him some clothes.
"The entire tribe, gone?" he asked with a hint of despair.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." I said handing him some of my dad's old clothes. "These should fit you right?" I asked.
"Looks about right." he answered grabbing the clothes and I quickly turned away to allow him to change.
"Do you mind if I ask you something?" I asked nervously.
"Go ahead that's the least I owe you for my freedom." he answered.
"What was it like, I mean do you remember changing into, well you know?" I asked feeling embarrassed.
"A mindless blood thirsty beast? No, luckily I don't remember much of that at all. I remember being very ill for some time then it just went black and months later I wake up here like it was all some bad nightmare." he explained and I turned to face him.
I blushed as he slipped on the shirt I had given him. He was very attractive with a tall lean build. His hair ran like black silk past his shoulders. The black tee shirt I had given him hugged his body just perfectly and the faded out blue jeans fit just as well. I pressed my lips together as I inspected his outfit feeling something was missing.
"What?" he asked confused.
"Here try these on." I said handing him a pair of round shades.
He inspected the glasses and smirked placing them on his face, "These look exactly like a pair I once had. Funny how so many things can change but it's the things that stay the same that mean the most." he explained.
"They remind you of a better time?" I asked.
"You can say that." he said giving a vague answer. "Well, I appreciate your hospitality but I think it's time I get going before the mad scientist returns." he said extending a hand to shake.
"Your crazy if you think I'm letting you leave here alone." I said.
"Oh?" he answered confused.
"I'm coming with you." I demanded.
"Sorry kid, but it's much too dangerous where I'm going." he laughed standing up and towering over me.
"Too dangerous my ass." I said placing a hand on my hip, "I cured you so your basically my responsibility, I'm coming with you like it or not."
Just as he was about to make a rebuttal we heard movement just above our heads and we both froze.
"There's no more time to argue about this, if your coming with me then first things first help me get out of here." he said.
"Follow me." I said with a smirk grabbing his hand and pulling him to the exit.
We made it out to the parlor when we heard someone coming. Quickly I motioned for him to hide as I slipped out of the room. My stepmother was just around the corner straightening up. I slipped around the corner to give a seemingly innocent greeting.
"Good evening." I smiled.
"Oh, Jezebel I didn't even hear you get up." she smiled.
"Yeah I had a hard time sleeping. I actually got up a little before dusk." I answered.
"I'm so sorry, is there anything I can get you?" she asked sincerely and I almost felt bad deceiving her.
"Would you mind checking and seeing when my dad will be up?" I asked.
"Of course sweetheart, just give me a few moments." she answered kissing me on the head before dashing up the stairs.
As soon as she was out of sight I raced around the corner to get Loki.
"C'mon we need to hurry." I whispered aggressively.
"Lead the way." he answered popping out from behind the sofa.
I grabbed his hand and swiftly led him out the front door. I fished around in my pockets searching for my car keys when I realized a hole in my jacket pocket. They must have dropped somewhere back inside. my adrenaline kicked in hard as I heard my stepmother calling my name inside.
"We are going to have to go on foot from here." I said as I grabbed onto him and darted for the woods.
The full moon was rising sending a white light through the trees. We ran as far as we could into the wood until we were sure we were a safe distance away.
"We should be safe here." I said taking a rest on a large rock.
"Where do we go from here?" he asked leaning on the rock next to me, "I mean considering you are now an accomplice to my escape." he joked.
"You should have never had to escape anything. How could he expect to use my blood for a cure then just hold you prisoner like some kind of science experiment." I vented feeling enraged all over again for my father's lack of compassion.
"Well in a way I was an experiment, but I guess so were you. So really we both escaped. What do you mean your blood cured me though?" he asked.
"I honestly don't really know, I stuck you with some glass with my blood on it and you started to regress back to your original form." I shrugged.
"That is incredible." he said looking at me in awe, "What are you?"
"I am Jezebel of the Sanguine Tribe." I smirked.
"No your more than that." he smirked placing his arm around me, "There's definitely something special in you."
I could feel my cheeks turning red as his oaky scent ran across my nose and my hair stood on end. I could feel my face turning even pinker as I became so comfortable by his side. I looked up as the moonlight lit up his face and couldn't help but wonder who is this beautiful mysterious man.
"What now?" I asked.
"We save the world." he smirked with one eyebrow raised smugly.

(To be continued....)