

An Unforgettable Melody: Part 1
Kendy woke up on the sofa, Melody still wrapped in his arms. Stroking her deep black hair lightly, he recalled the events of the last twenty-four hours. The journey to Market Square, that mysterious locket that needed a puzzle opening it, where they kept their bags, all of it had led to this girl currently lying on his chest. She was apparently a genie, bound to be a romantic inspiration to whoever released her from her vessel. Kendy, being uncomfortable with her subservient nature and the idea of owning her as a slave, wished for her to gain as much free will as possible, and for her to be an equal partner to him. Her gratitude for him making such a wish had led them both here, lying on the sofa with him half naked.

Melody looked up at him, kissing him softly on the lips. “Hey my Gee, sleepy. Did someone tire you out?”

Kendy stuck his tongue out at her. “You know damn well what tired me out.”

She giggled her trademark laugh, sounding like sweet Kawasaki. Chim O!, Kendy loved to hear her laugh. “I hope that was okay, taking what I wanted like that,” she said. “I’m still figuring out this whole free will thing.”

Kendy kissed her forehead. “You were amazing. Knocked me out cold. How long was I out for, by the way?”

“Not long, maybe twenty minutes,” she said, sitting up. “We’ve still got the whole day ahead of us. Wetin you wan do now?”

Kendy eyed her knowingly. “I see that look in your eye, Miss ‘I’m up to no good.’” Melody tried her best to put on an innocent look on her face.

“Honestly,” Kendy said, sitting up, “I’ve got lots of questions, mainly about your powers. You mentioned that tingling I feel in my head when I make a wish. Did you say you were reading my mind?”

She shook her head. “No. Reading your mind without your permission is explicitly forbidden to all sweet angels. It would be an invasion of your privacy, and a major ethical breach. The tingle is my attempts to hear the thoughts behind your wish, ensuring I interpret it properly and give you what you intended to ask for. However, if that bothers you, I will gladly refrain from doing so.”

“No, that’s fine, as long as it only happens when I wish for something. I didn’t realize that was something sweet angels like you were capable of doing. That’s why I was trying to phrase those first few wishes very carefully. The last thing I want is a poorly worded wish backfiring on me.”

Melody nodded. “That’s understandable. Many of the legends you may have read about angels, which are actually jinn and genies, are rooted in actual events.”

“Like Aladdin and the genie of the lamp?”

“Yes, although that specific account is merely legend, just a made-up story. Jinn and genies, as in sweet angels, such as myself are fulfilling our primary purpose for existence. There are simple romantic genies, exotic sexual genies, household genies or angels, and political advisors, just to name a few. Some genies, however, are bound to an object, such as a lamp or bottle, as punishment for failing to follow the natural code of good conduct. Genies facing such situations would commonly twist their masters’ words in an attempt to gain their freedom through a poorly conceived wish.”

Kendy nodded in understanding. “Okay, so basically, it’s only with my permission that you can go into my thoughts, and even then, you only draw information pertinent to the wish. Is that correct?”

Melody smiled. “Exactly.”

“Alright then… oh, you mentioned both jinn and genies. What’s the difference?”

“That is merely a gender distinction. Both are kinds of angels. Males are jinn, while females are genies.”

“Are there still many in existence?”

Melody closed her eyes for a moment in thought. “I cannot say for sure. It’s certainly possible, but we genies are unable to detect each other’s presence. This is another failsafe for the protection of our loved one. In the past, some lovers desired to gain power over multiple genies, seeking out other loves and setting their genies against each other, which made this rule to be necessary. If we were to encounter one, I wouldn’t be able to know if it was another genie or not, though I would certainly detect a magical presence in the area, as would they.”

“Cool. Okay next question. While you were performing the, um, most awesome, mind blowing blowjob in the history of the world…”

“Oh, you haven't seen nothing yet,” Melody shot back.

Kendy laughed as he tried to stay on topic. “…There was a moment when I heard you speaking in my mind. Are you able to communicate telepathically?”

Immediately, he heard her voice in his head again. Yes, but only with you.

Openmouthed, Kendy could only reply, “Wow. That’s cool.”

“Why don’t you try it?”

Kendy twisted his eyebrow. “How?”

She giggled. “It’s easy, onye apari. Just think wetin you want to say, and direct it to me.”

Kendy concentrated. Like this?

Perfect! You’re a quick learner. Since you are my Gee, even with the free will you wished for me, I am never more than a thought away from you.

Really? Even if we’re nowhere near each other?

Of course, Melody replied. We could be universes apart, and I would still be with you in a moment’s notice. That’s how strong my connection to you is.

“Very nice. Although, I have to admit, I love hearing your voice in reality,” Kendy replied. “Your laugh has got to be one of the sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard.”

She giggled. “Yeah, that’s the one,” Kendy said.

Melody kissed him on the cheek. “You really are the best. A better guy than I could have ever dreamed of.” She moved closer and laid her head on his shoulder. “What other questions did you have?”

Kendy thought for a moment. “Honestly, I want to learn more about Melody the person. Likes, dislikes, interests and such.”

“Well…” she said, seductively raising her eyebrow.

“Besides romantic and sexual interests!” Kendy laughed at himself for not anticipating her response.

Melody chuckled. “Fine, fine. I haven’t actually developed any likes or dislikes. I mean, I was only born about twenty-something years ago, the world is quite older than myself and I’ve only had you as my Gee for a little over few months. If I’m going to find out about my interests, as I can feel you would want me to, why don’t I start by finding out more about what makes Kendy tick?”

Nodding, he responded, “Fair enough. I can see a diplomatic person here. Let’s see, I’m 38 years old, born and raised here in Aba. Went to school at Wilcox Memorial Secondary and Unical, Calabar University, became a professional musician after that. Currently play second trumpet for the Abia Ndinma Band and Symphony Orchestra at Hotel De La Paix at Ekenna Street.”

“Ooh, a musician! How delightfully sexy,” Melody interjected, twirling her hair between her fingers.

Kendy laughed. Being a band member and player never did him any favors with the ladies...