

A story part1/??
[Part 1]

"Hello sweetie..." Came my mother's solemn voice through the phone.

"What is it mom? Who's dying this time?" I asked jokingly.

"..." I expected my mom to laugh it off and reply back jokingly but only silence pursued.

"Mom...? I'm not falling for your tricks again." I replied back firmly, unconsciously straightening my back.

"*Hic* Sniff... Your brother... He was in an accident." My mothers voice sound out sadly.

"Come on mom I thought you said you weren't gonna pull this one on me aga-" I rolled my eyes jokingly but was cut off.

"I.Mean.It." She gritted out firmly as my back stiffened.

She... Doesn't sound like she's lying.

"Okay fine but if this is another prank to get me back." I grumbled out in frustration.

"H-he's... He's in..." My mother tried explaining but she kept sniffling.

"What is it!?" I demanded.

"He's in critical condition right now!" She exclaimed out tearfully as I felt my mind went blank.

My entire body went numb as she said that, There's no way she would lie or joke about that.

"What!? Which hospital! And what ward is he in!" I exclaimed, slamming my hands on the desk as my assistant jumped from the sudden impact.

"Sorry, I've gotta go. You'll be in charge for now." I stared at Alfred's eye before I grabbed my purse, running straight up to the rooftop.

"He's in Rile Hospital, V.I.P ward 001 highest floor in the building." Came my mother's muffled voice as I heard her sob.

"I'm coming now!" I stated, taking the keys out from my purse to unlock the shed on top of the roof to reveal my private emergency helicopter.

Pressing a button before the roof of the shed opened, I entered the helicopter and began its engine speedily flying towards the hospital.

Thankfully I have a licence to fly this baby so it'll be fine, but even so who'll ever stop me in midair and check for a license?

I landed the helicopter in the V.I.P parking spot and locked the doors.

And ran towards the hospital lift, entering it I pressed on the highest floor that the hospital has and waited.

Impatiently of course, walking around the lift as the lift got nearer to my destination.

The doors finally opened as I barged out of it, following the direction to ward 001 to see 2 big burly man standing guard outside of the ward.

"You must be the bodyguards my parents ordered to so you should've known I was coming." I said standing outside as the guards blocked my entry.

I mean it'll be hard for them to tell that I was related to my brother but once I take off this stupid makeup look and wig, I'll look completely identical to him.

But let's prevent showing my parents cause they'll feel emotionally unstable at the sight of me.

"No one told us about you so leave." He replied in a gruff tone.

"Well I know him so let me in!" I successfully launched a sneak attack and managed to at least open the hospital door.

"Hey! I said not to let anyone in! Throw her out or your wages will be deducted." Came an authoritative voice from inside.

"Let go of me!" I exclaimed as the both of them immediately grabbed my arms and dragged me away.

Since I was panicking to see my brother, I forgot that my dumbarse could have knocked them out.

Since young both my brother and I have been training to learn self defense and martial arts.

My twin brother is currently lying in the hospital and by the looks of the bandages and his paleness... He's in a critical condition.

I suddenly remembered about our shadow guard that only my brother and I gave him a nickname of and exclaimed immediately, "Shadow! Help me!"

In an instant, the two bodyguards were down.

"Shit I could've just knocked them out...Sorry but thanks for your help Shadow. Although I'm quite offended that you didn't help me earlier on." I murmured under my breath quickly before I gallantly entered the ward.

"Who are ya'll!" I exclaimed, seeing 5 guys crowding around my brother's bed.

They turned to my direction as glared at me as one of the guys stood up sighing, "I'll deal with her."

Walking towards me, he grabbed my collar and began dragging me out of the doors but I used both of my hands to grab on hold onto the exit of the doors.

"SHADOW!! DO YOU WANT ME TO MURDER YOU FOR NOT HELPING ME AGAIN!" I screeched loudly as everyone froze, turning to look at me.

The guy dragging me by my collar loosened his grip as I used this moment to elbow him in the stomach.

"Okay girlie I don't care if you're his fangirl or something but how do you know about this Shadow guy." Someone asked me murderously as I stared blankly at them unfazed.

"Eh? Why should I tell you!? Besides he's my bro- Boyfriend!" I exclaimed nearly exposing myself to be his sister.

"Haha very funny but he's gay." Another guy murmured as I froze.

"Gay... He's gay and he never told me? His precious si- girlfriend...Gay?" I murmured like a broken recorder, repeating the word 'Gay' in my head.


"What the! Who did that!" I exclaimed as I felt water being dumped on my head.

I glanced around but everyone looked as equally as shocked as I am whether they were trying to hide it or not.

I clenched my fist and gritted out angrily, There can only be one person... "S.H.A.D.O.W! GET YOUR BUTT HERE RIGHT NOW!" I exclaimed, stomping my feet angrily.

"It seems like it's actually you mistress." A shadow flew by as he kneeled down with his head down chuckling at my actions.

"Shadow~ It seems like you actually want to die~" I state with a cheerful grin.

"Mistress just show your actual appearance and they wouldn't mistake you as his fangirl." Shadow says calmly.

"Blah blah blah! Whatever, he's my boyfriend!" I stated.


"Hey!" I couldn't help but yell out as another batch of cold water was being dumped onto my head.

"You're getting my makeup wet!" I exclaimed.

"Young master said to dump water on your head whenever you call him your boyfriend randomly." Shadow replied with a slight grin.

"Stop grinning shadow, that's total bullshit! Brother would never do that to me!" I exclaimed angrily once more.

"Brother...?" I heard the others trail off confusedly, "Shit! Shadow it seems like you want to actually die." I cracked my knuckles angrily as I slowly stalked towards shadow.

"Mistress, young master would be upset with your behaviour right now, especially since you look so unsightly right now." Shadow states as I stopped in my track.

"Fine! Where's the bathroom!" I exclaimed angrily, entering it as I locked the door shut.

I stared into the mirror and nearly screamed, Holy f**k I do look terrifying.

"Told you so!" Came Shadow's teasing voice, "Shut up and stop becoming so talkative already!" I exclaimed.

The mascara wasn't waterproof so it was all over my face together with my eyeshadow, making my face look like a clown.

I groaned out as I murmur incoherent words under my mouth as I began washing my face in the sink.

"My face..." I trailed off reminiscently as I traced the small scar on my forehead, recalling about the incident behind it.

From afar, one couldn't see the scar but once you observe my face carefully, you'll see it.


My twin brother was being playful with the ball as he threw it about randomly, "Be careful Alex." I warned him, seeing his rash actions.

"It's fine." He gushed out happily but he threw it at the vase above us as it toppled over, however it seems like he hasn't noticed it yet.

I instinctively ran over to protect him as I covered his body entirely as looked at me confused.

"What are you doing Alexis!" He exclaimed angrily as he thought I was restricting his movements.

He than decided to use his hands to push my face away playfully.

However right at that moment the vase toppled, I was staring up at it horrified, having a late reaction, I tried to hide my face but could only hide it partially as it hit the top of my head.

And that's how my forehead got a small scar, from being jabbed by the sharper side of the vase which was ironically broken before hand.

Why did you leave this vase up there.
Was my last thought as I passed out.

My dad obviously had a harsher scolding while Alex got told off slightly, only after my mother saw my brothers tearful expression than did she not scold him any further.

When we went to parties, behind my families backs, the other kids would mock me and bully me so gradually I became more reclused.

Why not fight back? Because I don't want to be like them.

My parents at that moment of time were focused on my brother since they were prepping him to be the next boss, they allowed me to be free and do whatever I want.

Sometimes I feel as if my brother didn't want to be the next head but did so for my freedom he assured me that he likes doing this.

By the time my family realised I was doing this to myself, they were too late. I was already deep into self harming and sinking even deeper into depression.

My brother obviously blamed himself deeply the most for not realising this especially since we sleep in the same room but with the help of my family and shadow I gradually got better.

Shadow was there for me always, how did he not discover me self-harming? I did it in the bathroom...

When I finally decided to get out of this country and explore the world to lift my spirits, although my family were happy that I am able to let go of my depression they were worried that I might meet into troubles overseas.

So... I left home secretly without telling them about my whereabouts.

But I still keep in contact with them, the reason why they didn't directly went to me was because I threatened that I would stop contacting them.

• • •

I sighed staring into the mirror, turning to unlock the door as I came back out, rolling my eyes at shadow as I asked. "Better?"

"Your wig and contact lenses mistress. And... Nevermind" Shadow asked but faltered at the end as he shook his head discreetly, "What!? But I like them." I exclaimed.

"I wonder what young master would say when he sees you hiding your appearance... Maybe he'll feel guilty again?" Shadow probed as I stiffened.

"Urgh! Don't talk about it!" I growled angrily at him. "Mistress... Please." Shadow asks with a sad smile that would always make me feel guilty as I kept up a strong front and just rolled my eyes.

"Fine. You just have to keep finding ways to annoy me." I groaned, taking out the contact lenses from my eyes carefully.

My 'blue' eyes turned back to my original emerald green colour, placing it onto Shadow's hands as I slid off my wig.

My hair still inside the hair net as I grumbled out, "This should be fine right."

"Of course, I shall go first than." Shadow said as he disappeared, taking my hair net with him.

"SHADOW!" I went towards the window and screeched, feeling my hair slide back down to my waist.

"Urgh whatever, I'll deal with him later." I scoffed before turning around.

Combing my fingers through my hair as I combed it backwards. "So who the fuck are ya'll? I'm asking nicely this time so answer." I spat out annoyedly, staring at their shocked faces.

"You're his sister?" A voice came out, "Noooo I'm a stranger that happens to look like him." I rolled my eyes at their exclamation.

"Oh I see." They nodded, "Of course not you idiots!" Came my annoyed outburst.

"Idiots! Scram, I want to see my brother." I state, pushing the guys out of my way as they glared at me angrily.

I stared at his face as he breathed peacefully, "I swear to god... If you're pranking me Alex." I murmured under my breath.

"Pranking you!? Why would he waste his time on you!? He has more important stuff to deal with!" Someone roar out agitatedly.

"Calm your tits, you just don't understand... They do this sometimes just to get me back home." I said calmly, feeling a slight tinge of sadness ripple in my heart.

"Whateve-" He tried saying but my tears suddenly rolled down my face.

"I-I'm... Crying...?" I trailed off, feeling something cold slide down my face and landed on my brothers hand, I immediately used my hands to rub away my tears as I placed on my smile.

Suddenly my brother began shifting around his hospital bed and grabbed onto the nearest thing close to him which was my hand and dragged me downwards which brought my head to his chest.

I looked on shocked and so did the others as I felt Alex began to comb my hair soothingly like he does when we were younger.

He did this to make me sleep when I was dealing with my depression which helped out a lot, knowing that he would always stand by me comforted my every being.

I choked on my breath and began silently sobbing into his chest. "I missed you brother... I miss you so much." I cried out softly as he murmured under his breath while he was still combing my hair.

A familiar tune reached my ears as I felt my brother humming our song.

I closed my eyes and calmed myself before slowly getting up. "Hmph, get out of here! He doesn't like any of you." I mocked the other guys who were still shocked, sniffling slightly.

"Why you-!" Some mobster 'handsome' looking guy growled out with his hands out trying to grab onto my neck.

But before his hands could reach my neck, I felt someone mumble murderously. "What do you think you are doing to her."

I turned around and saw my brother sitting up on his bed, glaring at the mobster guy.

"Brother!" I cheered out tearfully as I gave him a bear hug.

"A-alexis is that you?" He stutter out, not believing his eyes as he held me by my shoulders shakily.

"Yes you're my boyfriend~" I gave him my all knowing teasing smile as he brought me into his chest again and gave me the longest hug ever.

"Why didn't you come home and visit me!" He whined, "Brother, there are others around, keep your act up." I teased him.

Glancing around as the others dazed out at his whiny voice, all except ones face was blushing red.

"*Ahem* Why didn't you come home and visit me?" He asked properly this time after clearing his throat which made me giggle at how cute he was being.

"Because... I forgot?" I said, "Does that mean I have to get into more accidents before you remember to come back home?" He asked amusedly as I froze.

"No! Don't do that!" I exclaimed, "Don't you dare!/No!" The others say simultaneously.

I looked up at my brother tearfully, "Don't... Don't ever say that." I say as he froze.

"Don't cry, you know I don't mean it." He whispered to me softly as he patted my head.

"*Hic* Brother, they were bullying me. They wouldn't allow me in, saying I'm an imposter!" I exclaimed pointing at them.

"What did you guys say to her?" He asked murderously, "What!? How would we know that it is your sister! Nobody told us at all! And she wasn't looking like this at all!" One rambled with a panicked look.

I quickly snapped my head towards him panickally and mouthed to him 'Don't tell him!' With my hand gestures.

He smirked at me evilly before explaining, "Yeah your sister was wearing a brown colour wig and coloured eye contacts!" He yelled out in revenge.

I looked down awkwardly as I felt my brother's murderous mood dropped, he glanced down at me guiltily, "You... You're still...?" He trailed off.

"No I'm not!" I denied, beaming at him brightly, jumping off of him as I placed my hands on my hips.

"You're lying!" He exclaimed yanking my sleeves upwards, tearing the cloth off to just see my old scars only. "See I didn't do it." I said with a wry smile.

Why does he not trust me, jeez. Even ruining my shirt.

"Oh really?" He asked staring into my eyes, "Yep." I replied staring right back at him.

"Okay..." He trailed off before he pulled my shirt upwards, "Woah!" I exclaimed in shock as he exposed my abs.

"Okay good." He mumbled with a satisfied nod after he checked for any fresh wounds.

"Brother..." I trailed off with a light pink blush, "Yes?" He asked me sweetly.

"You just exposed my stomach to the other guys!" I shrieked out with a flustered look.

"Wait wh-" He turned to see the guys looking at me shocked as his face turned dark, seeing his reaction I tried hiding my laughter as I looked down at the floor.

Trying to conceal it as my shoulders shook and trembled, "*Gasp* Alexis don't cry! Brother didn't mean to! Look I'll beat those idiots till they're blind for you okay?" He frantically suggested.

"Brother... It's alright. Besides, I heard you were... Gay." I said as my brother froze when I mentioned 'gay'.

"What??? What are you talking about?" He laughed nervously. "It's alright, I support you. But I'm your first wife right?" I asked giving him my puppy eyes.

"Yes! My first wife. This means you can't have any boyfriends now." He stated determinedly.

"Uh nevermind than, I don't want to be your wife anymore." I replied awkwardly, "What!? Do you have a boyfriend!?" He exclaimed.

"No! I don't, I just want to find one." I humphed out, "You won't!" He stated.

"What!? I'm leaving! Turns out your condition isn't as critical as I thought, mom said you were in critical condition!" I exclaimed.

"M-nom?" I hear him say out shakily, "What is it Alex?" I asked, "She's the-!" I hear someone try to shout out but my brother clamped his mouth shut.

"What??" I asked confusedly as everyone dazed off with a murderous glint in their eyes.

"Huh? What's going on!?" I asked, "Nothing, could you perhaps buy me my favourite drink?" He asked with a sheepish look as I narrowed my eyes at them suspiciously.

"Hmph fine, only because you requested for it." I hmphed out before I left the ward.

Author's short POV• • •

"Alex why do you want to keep it from her!" The guy shouted angrily at Alex.

"Because if she knew... She will never forgive herself." Alex squeezed out a sad smile that made the others freeze.

They had after all, never seen Alex present this much emotions in one day before.

Even seeing him smile is a rare thing for them and seeing a mere girl made him do so easily made them jealous...

Even though they were related... Since they didn't expect the twins to be this close especially since she wasn't mentioned at all or seen when they were around 10 years old.

"So what if she doesn't! She still needs to know!" One exclaims angrily like a dog barking incessantly.

"SHE DOESN'T!" Alex sudden outburst caused everyone to go quiet with shock.

"She doesn't need this in her life now..." Alex say softly, the sadness dripping off the words could be heard from his voice.

"Why?" Another asks, "Because I don't want her to die... She was depressed because of me and I don't want her to be depressed over my sake again." Alex explains sadly, reminiscing the past.

"She was depressed? Didn't seem that way to me." One scoff slightly, "Shut up Brian! She... If you didn't notice, self harms. I slept right beside her and yet I didn't realise! I'm a failure of a brother!" He spoke softly before he began ranting frustratedly about himself.

"No your not a failure... Because you are making amendments for her and I doubt she would like to see you feel guilty over it." One explains with a kind smile.

"Brother~! I'm back!" Alexis thrilled voice was heard from outside as everybody got back into position.

© Naruko