

A blaring blast echoes into my dreams and wrenches me from sleep’s warm embrace. My hands frantically search for my glasses and the light switch. As the bright amber light fills the room my eyes fall on my alarm clock the numbers proudly proclaiming that it was two o'clock in the morning. The blaring shakes me back into the present drawing me into the living room where my TV was displaying an emergency broadcast message. One word was displayed in large bold letters


My body snaps into action as my brain tries in vain to process the command still portrayed on my fifty-six-inch television. By the time I caught up with myself I was tying my shoes and grabbing two packed duffle bags. As I grab my keys and phone, my thoughts of my fiance who was staying over at her sister's house babysitting her nephews. The blast of frigid Indiana air greeted me as I yanked open my door and headed to the car. As the 2015 Nissan versa started up I called my fiance praying that she remembered to plug in her phone.

“What the hell’s going on babe? Are you ok? Why is the TV saying ‘Run’? What in the literal Fuck is going on? Are you ok?” the stream of frantic words drew a shy smile to my lips as I waited for her to take a breath.

“No clue. I'm fine. On my way to you. Get the boys ready and call your sister. Tell her to meet us at your mother's. I love you, I'll be there in fifteen.”

“Gotcha, love you too. See you soon.” the line clicked off and I gave my full attention to the road and looking out for possible hazards. A thin layer of snow covered the ground and tiny motes of the powdery substance fell lazily from the skies. As I swung the car into the driveway my fiance and her three nephews burst from the door and climbed into the car. “Were you able to get in touch with your sister?” I asked as I hastily backed up and began heading towards her mother's house.

“Yea, she was already on her way so she'll meet us there. What the hell?” The question pops out as deer burst from the tree line a group of five shabby-looking men sprinting after it. As we got closer I pressed the horn hoping to clear as the last man stopped dead center of our lane. As he turned to face us the kids began to scream, the man's jaw hung at an unnatural angle and the exposed bone of his left forearm declared the limb to be broken. “Drive.” that command snapped me out of my bewildered state and I slammed my foot down guiding the car around the man. He tracked us a hungry gleam streaking his bloodshot eyes. A feral snarl curled his lips as we sped past him. As we glided over the road a thousand questions raced through my mind causing a dull ache just behind my eyes.

“Babe, are you ok you look beat. How much sleep did you get?” Alice asks as I spare a glance at my fiance.

“Yea, just a little headache. I got about an hour maybe two. Don't give me that look.” The last sentence comes out with a laugh as an adorable scowl spreads across her mouth. “I picked up a couple of extra shifts since you were gonna be babysitting. Otherwise, I would have just roamed around the house.” I rambled out quickly as her scowl deepens. Navigating through the snow-laden streets from Elkhart to Angola we saw abandoned cars and remnants of crashes and other atrocities. Horror swam through my mind as I saw figures sprawled out in and on the side of the road. Thankfully before we hit the main bit of it the boys had fallen asleep unaware of the grisly scene around them. As we pulled up we saw my in-laws waiting at the front door. They hurried us into the living room as Alice and I carried the boys inside.

"Once again we are asking people to remain in their homes and avoid those who have been infected. The infected show signs of aggressive behavior, inability to feel pain, delusions, and a rash that resembles a crescent moon on their palms. Avoid people exhibiting any or all of these symptoms at all cause. We will be broadcasting updates every two hours. Be safe." The recorded voice droned from the TV screen as we all gathered in the living room.

"How bad was it getting here?" Alice's stepfather, Evan, asks as he hands us each a hot cup of coffee.

"Bad." That was all I could say as the images of the broken body that we passed came up in my mind. "Do you know if any of your neighbors have been infected?" I asked after several scolded mouthfuls of revitalizing coffee.

"Jim and Cheryl haven't been over since the announcement--" his words got cut short as a hulking figure crashed through the front door and baffled towards us. Evan and I rush the charging figure as Alice got the boys to another room with her mom and sister. The man that had charged in roared in an animalistic way as he swept both of us aside and leaped on top of me. His teeth dug into my shoulder and I felt the blood welling underneath me. A loud bang erupted nearby and the body flew off me as Evan aimed a shotgun at the prone figure. A foul smell wafted off the man as he growled and snarled, trying to get back on his feet. The foul blackened liquid that pooled beneath sizzles as it hits the wood-paneled floor. Another thunderous blast from Evan's gun took the man’s head spraying the offensive fluid and flesh against the wall. As my shoulder throbbed Alice ran to me her eyes instantly locking in on my injury.

"Let me get my bag," Evan says as he heads off to grab the first aid kit. After cleaning and bandaging my shoulder we wrapped the body of the man and dragged the corpse to the garage. The ache in my shoulder sent waves of warmth from the bite wound. "It doesn't look infected, although in about three or four hours I'll change your bandages and inspect it."

"Won't lie, it hurts but I don't think I'll lose the arm just yet." I joked as I patted the generous amount of bandages covering my right shoulder. "Who was that?" I ask as I nodded towards the garage.

"Jim Fields, I went over to check on Cheryl…...it was bad." Evan's voice sounded thick with tears as he said her name.

"How are the kids?" I ask Alice as she enters the living room.

"Asleep, gonna keep the arm?"

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