

l have been around the world seen so many things but none of the places l saw shocked me as Brakpan a little town in South Africa my parents travel alot so when l was young l used to move with them but l now l was 15 and l desired what every teenage boy desires.

So this time when my parents were moving l decided to move to Brakpan with my granny and l enrolled in not so fancy or bougie School,Brakpan high,it was a new start for me,a new adventure but what l did not know Brakpan was a place of mystery and deceit. The story starts here my first day of school as the new kid of course you would not have friends but when l got in my class l was pretty fond of how my class mates treated me and as soon as you knew l had friends l met a Marcus. Marcus was the principal Son, a few hours pass and it was lunch time and l we sat on the school benches and as l glazed around the school l saw a group of boys sitting around the bench "Who are they?" l asked," that is the soccer team l think they are just trying to get aWe ew coach before the tournament begins",he said and apparently the head coach of the soccer team had gone missing for a few weeks now.The weirdest thing about this is he wrote a letter to his Daughter Lexi.I was intrigued in finding out more about this story l had never been in a situation before these are stories l heard or had seen on Tv.

l could not think about anything else but the letter. After school l ran to go and see Lexi,she was walking alone and l walked up to her "you are new kid ain't you"? she said."Yeah l just so you walking alone and I thought I should say hi" we walked and talked and l got my self a new friend and the coolest thing was she stayed next to my granny's house. Days pass and everything was fine until one night l could not sleep saw went outside to sit on the pouch and while l was sitting l heard Lexi screaming 'Ahhhhh' she screamed l rushed inside and saw a men try chasing Lexi, l took a bat l found behind the door and l hit him on his back he fell on the floor we tied him on a chair and called the police.This guy was sent to kidnap Lexi this was a sign that something was up. My edge to dig into the story was breaking,my granny welcomed Lexi to stay with us for a couple of days.We went back to get some of Lexi's stuff and while l was looking around l found the letter l took it to her "Ahh Lexi l found your letter" she grabbed it and she said its nothing. l did not want to make a big deal out of it but l started to do my own investigations but the only thing l know was Mr Hogans Lexi's father went missing on the 12 of April until now and the only info we had was the letter,l could not find anything in couple of days it was finally time to ask Lexi to see what was written on the letter l explained everything to her and she was ready to give me the letter on one condition that she could help and l agreed.

We needed to start investigating and what was written on the letter was our principal's name Mr Ndaba and trust no one. That was our first suspect we need to know why Mr Hogans would write Mr Ndaba on the letter??. This was my best friends father l needed to tell him before we investigated his father Lexi was a little skeptical about it but she approved at the end. We went to school the next day and we set with Marcus down and he was confused but ready to help even if it meant his father had something to do with this," So the plan is simple we need to get him out of his office"l said,"l know how to do that!"Marcus yelled. We planned a little prank on the principal and well it was a little extreme. After school we exquted our plan,"Ahhhhhh" you stabbed me you frank Marcus yelled . Mr Ndaba come out sprinting found Marcus on the floor full of blood" What the hell did you do my son"? he yelled with anger. As we were "killing" each other, Lexi was in Mr Ndaba's office digging for information and all that effort for nothing we did not even find anything to make sense of why Mr Hogans would write Ndaba's name on the letter.We were disappointed sitting around the booth in the mini cafe all of us quite not knowing what to do,"they is one place we can look" Marcus spoke.We can look in my dad's study he never let's me or anyone else in there he is leaving to go on a hike on the weekend you can come then. he suggested.

Chapter two next

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