

I can't remember why I got married.

The young lovely affectionate young lady I was had turn into a punching ball. All my dreams of a happy end have all shattered.

What more than a man can make a woman feel useless and lose herself.

I used to take all this in the name of love. Now I can't remember what it means to love. All I feel is hatred for a man I spend all my nights with.

Why can't I leave, why do I stick on this useless bastard?.

I am so empty inside!.

I am like a void!.

¶¶ Vivian POV ¶¶

I seat on the sofa very depressed bleeding. Not knowing the use of my life and existence. Not knowing to whom I can turn and explain how I feel.

"Will they understand me?. No, they won't. After all who can best understand your pains apart from you!.
Few will try yet they won't succeed.
If I voice it out many will use it against me later. I better keep it to myself.
They say marriage is for better and for worse. If I am still alive it means God has a plan for me!."
I got lost in my thoughts.

This is how I am always, lost in my thoughts.

"Mum, mum!."
He yells with his soft angelic voice nothing more to brighten my day.

He is the only reason I am able to smile again. He gives meaning to this my useless life.

"I am getting late for school, again!."
My 6-year-old son yells

"Sorry, eat your food!."
I rush into my room to fix my face with some powder and thick foundation.

Perfect Mr. Richardson's wife. The best couple in town. The example of a successful marriage. But is this true?.

However, it's what they all think of our union and that is it ok for me.

In public, I act and pretend like everything is ok. Always very beautiful and dressed in very expensive clothes, made by very famous stylists.

In my long and needle-like high hills. I walk very gently with a very seductive catwalk. They all crave for me.

I hide all my scars with my glamour make-up!. I had no choice but to become one of the best makeup artists in town.

However, it is just my part-time job. I mostly learned it for my personal use. With a husband like mine, it's very significant.

"Mum... You are taking to much time!."
My son screams

"One-minute son!."
I replay

Rounding up with my make-up.

Once I get done, I hurry down to my son.

"How do I look!."

With his soft voice.

We are both laughing now. I kiss him, he tries to run away from my kiss, but I am faster than him.

"Ishii... mum you have stained my face with your lipstick!."
I try to wipe it off.

"Everyone body will know that your mum loves you!."
I laugh at him

With that, we left for school.

I am happy because my husband has traveled for a month.

So I have time for myself!.

After I left him in school, I move back home. Very happy.

"Today, aren't going to work!."
I stay in the house enjoying the fresh air.

I cook with the music all loud, dancing.

After school, I go to take him and we go for some ice cream.

"Mum, you are extremely happy. Can you share it with me?."
He asks me.

I nod at him, he frowns.

"Just enjoy this with me. No more questions!."
I kiss him

He exclaims at my kiss.

I cooked his favorite.


I wish I could stay like this all-time?.

Because my husband brings the hell out of me. I can't stand his presence anymore. Yet I got to know family members.

My parents are all dead. I am an orphan since the age of 20, my close relatives don't give a fuck about me.

All they were interesting was the bride price and the marriage after that they all vanished.

How I wish my mum was still alive, to advise and show me love.


I got married 5years ago. With Mr. Richardson.

OMG, the perfect man. Rich, elegant, caring.

The perfect match as I use to say.

Our marriage had its ups and towns. But three years ago he suddenly became very violent.

He is unrecognizable, he shouts at any least thing I do, he beats me up for the smallest mistake. And he rapes me all nights.

This is how it goes,

After being away for months,

My husband is returning today. I am cooking while waiting for him. I didn't want to cook early and warm the food, so I decided to estimate the time and cook for him to eat warm.

I am cooking his favorite meal. I just want him to be happy, at least for this evening.


He is the one.

Why heart rate increase as I hear the car blaring.

"Back to reality"
I tell my self.

"Dady, welcome back!."
Our son Jamal plunge into his dad's arms.

He isn't the romantic type. He is kind of bored by his son's reaction. He doesn't make any emotional move towards him.

Jamal has gotten used to but he always shows love to his dad though.

"Thank you!. Where is your mother?!."
He immediately asks

"In the kitchen!."
Okay, I move to me

I hear him yet I don't want to see him. I know he is inside the house yet, I don't want to believe that I will see him soon. I wish I could disappear right now.

"You hear my voice and you can't even come to wish me welcome!."
He yells in my ears

I shudder at his touch. Wisting my waist at the side of his touch.

"I was too but I am busy here!. Richard, please don't start you just arrive!."
I plead on him.

I can feel his bad energy already.

"Vivian doesn't be silly, I do what I want with you!."
He laughs maliciously

I don't answer!. Because he freaks me out.

"Good, woman, I love when you are submissive!."
He hits my ass.

Not a soft hit but a harsh one. It really hurts!.

"Let's move up!."
He says

"I can't, your food is on fire. Go up and I will meet you later!."
I suggest

"Vivian don't be stupid!. I said let's move up!."
He hits my ass very painful, again.

A drop of tears falls from my eyes. My ass hurts.

"Please Richard understand!. Jamal hasn't eaten yet!. He can't sleep like this."
I beg

"Why didn't you cook earlier?."
He clenches on me, pressing my breast so hard like he wants to crack it.

"Richard stop!."
I sob

He releases It then, he pulls me upstairs!.

Jamal is seated on the couch crying but he hides it like he did hear anything.

Unfortunately, he is seated in the parlor and he heard everything. Yet I still want to believe that he hasn't heard anything.

Maternal love is like a disease.

"Hey, you go to your room!."
His father yells at him

He locks up the door behind us!.

"Richard I am tired!."
I beg again

He instantly gives me a slap which makes me fall on the bed.

He removes his dress and falls on me like a log of wood.

He forcefully penetrates me.

I feel his heavy weight on my torso. He is in me, yet I don't feel any pleasure or any kind of sexual emotional.

He rides till he gets tired, falls on the bed panting and all excited.

"Oh my God, Baby you are a bomb!."
He caresses my hairs breathing so fast.

I jerk my head off his hands.

I am disguised whenever he is around me. When he travels I kind of forget the monster that he is and I get out of my depression.

But when he comes back, all this resentment comes back to the surface.

"I am sorry baby!. I didn't want to hurt you. It's just that you are so difficult at times!."
Richard excusing himself.

"He might be right. What if I just gave him myself without any resistance, all this wouldn't have happened!."
I say it deep within myself.

Kind of blaming my self.

Meanwhile, I don't have too, yet I can't stop thinking its might be my fault.
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