

"And in 1990"Once upon a Mama... Once upon a daughter... Ep8
Olubanji waited outside hoping to see Aduke but Aduke went back home taking another route.

Olubanji return back to FUTA the next morning.

Abímbólá never stop to pray for her daughter, believing, Oneday, she will find her.

Sometime later, Olubanji came to visit his friend at Fola Market. Olubanji has other friends at the market because he had previously worked in the market.

Later that Saturday evening, Peter and Olubanji were walking together on the road has Olubanji was going back to school.

As they were standing on the road looking for a cab.

Olubanji saw Aduke again. He was so happy to see her. Aduke was hawking when he saw her. Peter noticed his friends reactions again, so he called on Aduke.

"Fish seller... Fish seller..." Peter called on Aduke who was walking on the other side of the road.

Aduke heard Peter's voice, calling on her, she turns and saw the two standing on the other side of the road. She quickly cross over to meet them.
Olubanji was starring at Aduke with joy, he was so happy.

Peter is a friend, who knows his friend's thought even when he isn't saying a word but base on his reactions, he understand him.
So he asked "You want some?"

"Yes... Ofcourse.. I do." Olubanji said happily, as he helped Aduke place the tray on which the fishes were arranged down.

"How much is this?" Peter asked Aduke, as he points to a fish.

"It varies, from 5 Kobo, 10 Kobo and some are 20 Kobo." Aduke replied.
"20 Kobo?" Olubanji replied.

"Yes... It isn't costly." Aduke said.

"Do you stay around this market? " Olubanji asked Aduke.

" Why do you ask?" Aduke respond to him.
"Just maybe... We may need to buy some later." Peter answer.

"Our shop is about four streets away from here, just behind the old Cathedral, ask of Mama Wùnmí's shop. You will find our shop...So you are buying..?" Aduke said.
Peter said "four."
"Four fishes?" Aduke asked.
"Yes... Four of those ones you're selling at 20 Kobo." Peter said.
Aduke picked four fishes and packed it for them.

Olubanji was happy to know about her and was thinking about the address she gave.

"Behind the Old cathedral?" Olubanji asked. He then asked Peter, "Do you know the place?"
"I think I know the area." Peter answered.

Aduke gave it to Peter, thank them and leave after Peter paid her.

Olubanji keeps his eyes on Aduke as she leaves, Peter was watching his friend.
"You like her?" Peter asked.
Olubanji was quiet as he smiled and look at his friend.

"I do." He answered.

"So why are you holding back..." Peter teases his friend, "You like her then tell her... If you don't someone will take her away, and you will blame yourself later." Peter said.

"Common... Stop... I'd just met her." Olubanji said.

"I was joking,... But honestly... If you like her then tell her, she look good though." Peter said.

"Thank you... Love Counsellor!." Olubanji said.
"You know now, you can repeat that...." Peter said, laughing

"And When will our Counsellor do something about himself? After all these years." Olubanji asked laughing at his friend.

"I am your Doctor and I help you with your relationships." Peter respond.

"And I asked, when will you treat yourself?" Olubanji asked.

"You don't understand somethings.. about our lives... You have to ...." Peter stop and look at his friend who is watching him, he then continue "You don't understand...and... Are you going home or we should keep on talking?" Peter asked.

"I'm going home. And this reminds me of..." Olubanji said to Peter.

"You're not going back to school today?" Peter asked.

"Okay... I will stop." Olubanji said laughing at his friend.

The two friends began to look for a cab as they joke. They found one and Olubanji leaves.

After some time, Olubanji came back from school to visit his friend and together they search for Aduke.

They finally find Mama Wùnmi's shop but it was Mama Wùnmi that was at the shop that day. Olubanji is glad, at least... he find the place, even when he didn't meet Aduke.

Olubanji will come to Mama Wùnmi's shop to buy fish because he want to see Aduke whenever he come to visit his friend, But he couldn't find her.

Oneday after more than three months, He finally find her. Aduke was returning back to shop after selling off when he met her.

Olubanji didn't wait anymore, He told her how he felt that day, Aduke was shocked, the truth is Olubanji is good looking young man, very attractive.
When He told Aduke that he is in love with her, Aduke was surprised, She was shy about it. She quickly leaves, Olubanji followed her and cross her path, promising her he mean what he said.
So, Aduke who was shy and thinking how this kind of person, could come to her told him that she will be thinking about it and tell him her decision later.

Aduke left but not after Olubanji gave her Peter's house address.

After some weeks, Aduke came to Peter's house and asked of Olubanji but Olubanji had gone back to school.

The second time she came to check, she got a letter from Olubanji, delivered by Peter. She was so happy to get a letter from him.

Aduke also wrote a letter to Olubanji, telling him she is ready to date him, she gave the letter to Peter who delivered it to Olubanji.

Olubanji was super excited when he read the letter and his friend was happy for him.

Peter will give his friend some relationship advice just to make his relationship work, he was helpful.

Aduke told Wùnmi about Olubanji and she was happy for her.

In 1986, Aduke completed her secondary school education, she had good grades. Mama Wùnmi was happy because her two daughters did great.

However, Mama Wùnmi want the two girls to get married but Aduke want to be a nurse.

Olubanji and Aduke were dating now, they exchange letters, and whenever Olubanji is around, she will visit him. Olubanji also work with some traders during the holidays to pay his school fees and bills, so Aduke will come to him and he also do come to Mama Wùnmi's shop to see Aduke But it's a secret between Aduke and Wùnmi.

Wùnmi obeyed her mother and decide to get married. She had been dating Williams for some time and in 1989, Wùnmi and William are getting married.

Aduke was happy for her but that wasn't only the good news but Olubanji just finished his study at FUTA.

To be continued...

Photo credit: Shutterstock
© Anu Ola