

Heartbreak December (Chapter 7-Blinded By Love)
He saw that Ella had written a short message to him, "Hey I know I won't be there when the clock strikes 12, so a happy birthday in advance Den, have a wonderful year🤍."

He didn't know what to think or say, his mind had gone blank after a long time, it was like he was sinking inside a pool of ecstasy, it was like he was getting lost in the mesh of tress smelling of the sweet rose perfume, and in the......

His thoughts were interrupted rudely by his phone as it rang incessantly. It was Zach, Den swore loudly, but picked it up anyways.

"My bro's finally twenty, happy twentieth fam....", Zach yelled over the phone, Den's frown relaxed as he grinned, he asked, "Wanna do McDonald's today?", "Hell ya my nigga let's go there...","Okay I'll text you at 8."

It had been a week since Denezius' birthday, he had been talking incessantly to Ella over WhatsApp, saying stuff like IKEA makes good furniture and Seven Eleven was not really that convenient and Wallmart prices were over the roof, stupid everyday stuff that was not meant to be interesting, but when she said all this, it was like caramel inside a choco bar.

Den thought hard, was he a hopeless romantic like Zach had said? Maybe he was, he thought, but there was nothing wrong with that. It's great to be in love, more so if it is the right person, but Den had so many pressing matters in his hand, he couldn't focus on Ella for long, a new client was asking him to write a biography on their behalf so that it could be published as an autobiography, he was going to charge a lot, somewhere around $1K and $5K, he was working on it, it'd comprise 29 chapters, since the client was 29, he'd thought he would do it that way, so that there was an Easter Egg for observant readers.

It was almost ten thirty in the night. Den was laying sprawled on the mattress, spit dripping along the corners of his mouth, when his phone rang, he swore before he picked up the phone, but what he saw blew his sleepiness away. It was Ella, what did she call him for, they'd never talked over phone...., he picked it up and gulped, before the sweet voice asked him,"Am I speaking with Denezius White?", he replied, "Yes it's me, hi Ella, how may I help you?"

"Oh actually last few classes I wasn't there so I was wondering if you had the computational complexity notes, sorry to call you so late...", "No it's okay, totally okay, I sleep at twelve thirty anyways it's no big deal", he said smoothening his hair and then unruffling it again, but then he had a brilliant idea, what if he asked her out not as a date, more of two peers on an educational exchange of academics."Umm Ella, I think if we met in person, I could give you a photocopy of the notes, it's hard for me to send so many pages worth of notes, it's almost a hundred pages so I'll just give you Xerox copies of them"," Oh no, no need I'll manage Den", " No please listen I have a printer at home", he lied. "Oh okay then", she said brightly, "Where are we meeting, then?"."You know that Japanese place called 'Heiwa o aisuru hitobito no yasuragi no basho' in Queens?". "Oh yes, I live in Brooklyn I know that one pretty well."," Okay that's settled then, Friday at 12:30 then, bye Ella"."Bye Den",she said as she hung up the line, and he looked disbelievingly at his phone, shocked that he'd asked the lady of his dreams out on a date.

He went over to Zach's place immediately, he had to tell him, he knocked on his front door and an irritated Zach greeted him."Yess, finally Zach, I asked Ella out on a date, bruh", "Den I'm sorry but this is pretty late."

"Pretty late my foot,", Den moved around fast and fell down fast, he was having those epileptic seizures which he had, "Ella please don't leave me and go,", Zach was terrified ans he called 911 for an ambulance.......

Sneak peek of Chapter 8:-"So Den what are your interests", she asked as he was eating, he choked on his food, "Here, hold on, drink some water", she said while she patted him concernedly on the back........
© Dhritiman