

She walks effortlessly. Like Miss world, she is known for the tremendous beauty she beholds. Many have acclaimed that Cynthia is arrogant and full of pride. She is in her fourth year in the University now, despite being single, she has turned down the offers of many rich suitors.
When I told Justin my buddy that I wanted to start a friendship with Cynthia, he laughed me to scorn for over 20minutes. Considering how she has ill treated other men, Justin said I would never get her to even talk to me not to talk more of being a friend.
This faithful day, when opportunity finally meets with my preparedness, we sat next to each other in geometry class. I was tensed, sentenced to confusion, almost in a comma. I didn't comprehend what was taught in class that day. Simple angles made me loose my bearings. Maybe all this drama was due to the angle I was seated at- right next to Miss world.
The class finally ended. Phew! I was so happy.
"Excuse me Miss". I braced myself up and spoke to her in a masculine voice.
"You are quite excused" she replied.
"I mean can I have a second with you?" I said trying to paraphrase my earlier statement.
"Times up!" She replied in a clock's pace.
"You wanted a second right?"
"So, your time is up, I've given you that already. May I please leave now?"
Oh God she was so hard on me, I was so embarrassed with the way she tackled my grammar, I don't even want to narrate the whole story to you, I know you would only laugh.
One month gone, in each week that we had geometry class, I kept sitting next to her and hoping for a positive conversation. But 8 attempts now all to no avail. The last time we spoke, she openly told me that I've lost my bearings if I actually think anything might happen between us.
I felt so stupid chasing after her, I mean, I just wanted us to be friends, I wasn't even asking for redmancy here. I just wanted someone that would hold my hand and walk with me through the school's beautiful garden. It may look stupid to you, but it's just something I've been craving for. The garden is so beautiful and I always imagine a romantic moment of walking with a female friend along it's path. I crave so much for flowers.
On this faithful day, I went to the school's garden as usual and sat to admire it's beauty. I said to myself, "I will give it a last try on Cynthia and if she refuses, maybe I'd just resort to the other females whom have made their advances on me. After a while I stood up to leave, then I saw Cynthia coming- Last try boy! And I went for it.
"Oh not you again!" She exclaimed with displeasure.
"Come on Cynthia, who has hurt you? Why are you being so hard on guys?"
She didn't get to reply me, a guy from nowhere just showed up out of the blue. He dragged her hand and called her, 'baby'
"Have you lost your manners? Who is your baby?" She yelled with discontempt.
"I told you I have a new boyfriend already, why would you just barge in to our conversation?" She came close to me and hugged me(I don't know if it was obvious, but I really froze at that point in time), she spoke with a sweet voice saying; "honey let's go, I don't know what is wrong with this brat." She held me by the hand and walked with me through the school's garden.
I was dumbfounded and speechless. I quietly followed her leaving the guy there. Cynthia has made my imaginations finally come to life! I'm so excited.
While we were walking, she told me that the other guy is actually her ex-boyfriend. He dumped her for someone else and now he wants them to reconcile after causing her so much pain.
She explained to me how he had been the reason she is so harsh to men, she doesn't want to feel dumped again. She narrated her long sad story, she sobbed, she cried as if it was a fresh incident. Then she hugged me again.
Phew...I couldn't believe what was happening.
With a calm voice, she looked at me straight in the eyes and said; "I love your courage Joseph, thank you for not giving up on me. I have been running away from loving you this whole time, but I really do love you."
Realistyosef ™