

Journal of a trapped girl
July 20th

He destroyed my home last nite for no reason but for him there’s every reason. I just told him the other day how much I loved him and really wanted to stick by him and then he does this. Shattered mirror…broken furniture…things I have collected and saved..all destroyed. My walls have holes in them now. And the screaming his SCREAMING never ends no matter what I say or don’t say it just goes on and on! Until someone called the cops and I am in hysterical tears telling the cop that everything is “fine” that he just was having a “bad day” n bc he didn’t PHYSICALLY hurt me, I admitted that, even though emotionally and mentally he has destroyed me to my fuckin core. Then he screams that he’s guna leave but he never does then he says how he’s going to clean up the mess…guess who hasn’t slept at all, while he got a short nap, and guess who picked up all the trash n broken pieces…Me! While he sat there and then proceeded to get an attitude that I may have thrown his fuckin weed jars away?! I NEVER TOUCH HIS SHIT n this is not the 1st time he has destroyed my things or my home or my kids things! He proceeded to fuck me after screamin at me for hours that he never wanted to touch me again and that I better not touch him and that I’m disgusting with a diseased bumpy pussy reminding me of what a “dirt ball” I am bc I can’t clean and then had the audacity to tell me we were going to get married in Vegas. 
I feel sick to my stomach n it’s not the drugs or the drinks I ingested all night…the ones he forced me...