

Wants to be a better person for you
●Chapter 4●

After keeping the call priyanshi was on top of the world she just hugged ayesha and..
priyanshi: ayesha my darling ( priyanshi mostly uses for ayesha with love) I'm really really happy finally finally after so many years I'm gonna meet him I really very very excited yarr you don't know how much I have been waiting for all this year.
Ayesha: oye drama queen first tell me what happened.
Priyanshi: oh sorry I forgot to tell you about😜 do you remember yuvi I always use to tell you about him. yes he is going to come here to meet me after so many years you know na how much I missed him.
Ayesha: oh so it's the reason you started to jump like a monkey and smile like a fool.
priyanshi :😚😚😁😁😁
while listening to all these Ayesha' bf mihir said..
Mihir: my dear friend priyu some time back when we talked about him you said he is really bad and all he didn't tried to contact you all and all and now you will never talk to him even if he comes to you now look at you you are excited like anything.
Priyanshi: oh that I told you like that
Mihir: yes.
Priyanshi: oh yes but..
Mihir: and when I tried to convince you that there must be some reason you started a fight with me now what happened.
Priyanshi 😜 sorry . even now also I'm angry on him but first let him come here then I will see. but both of you please don't tell him that I was excited to meet him.
Ayesha: but why
Priyanshi: just wait and watch you will know everything.
Mihir: guys why don't we enjoy till he comes ok.
And three of them went to the enjoy the beach.
After enjoying the waves for sometime priyanshi let mihir and ayesha enjoy each others company and went at the shores to enjoyed the waves alone which she loves the most at beaches. after playing alone for sometime she started to play with some kids. while playing she suddenly bumped into someone by her backside. without turning around she went some step forward and then turned around but while doing this her balance was disturbed and she was going to fell on the ground and the person who was in front of her tried to save her but unfortunately even that person lost the balance and both of them fell on ground. priyanshi instead of getting up from sandy ground she was looking at the person and even that person was also looking at her with a smile on face 🙂.
while looking at them all the kids around them started to laugh on both of them. the noise of laughter made both of come into their sense. priyanshi and the other person also get up from ground and after an awkward silence.
That person: I thought you would give me a big hug or welcome me with a smile but what's this you made me fell on the sand with you.
Priyanshi: what I made you fell on the sand who told you to come from back like that that was your fault non of mine.
That person: ok ok my fault now are you gonna just fight with me like this after all this year of separation are you going to be like this do you know how much I missed you priyu.
Priyanshi: Yuvi you..
After that without any delay or hesitation yuvi just hugged priyanshi tightly showing how much he missed him.
Priyanshi was in shock by yuvi's action but even she was happy to see him but she was hesitating to hug him but she pulled her hands to reciprocate his hug but suddenly.

© bijju1998