

Ella( English Ver)
The daughter of the King Thomas, Ella, was flabbergasted at the sight of her mother's face. It was pale as the moon and as dry as sandpaper. This was a real horror to the poor little girl, who cried quietly, waiting for her mother to respond. Her mother's lips were white, her eyes were desperately looking for help. " Ella, I am so sorry. I just wanted to save him." Explained Queen Elanor. But Ella knew that her mother had took things way too far. " Mother!" Ella shouted. " How could you do this? Why did you have to risk your life just for a petty little prince?" She had a point. That petty little prince wasnt any petty little prince; It was the prince she was being forced to marry. Ella was furious. More furious than furious itself. But this was her mother, who saved someone that she hated. She was still mad.

© sophia mckenzie