

Move and Run
We get to accomplish our purpose in life if we did not stop.

Somehow, I knew I would only get to see God's calling on my life come to fruition if I got moving.

But moving most times meant dealing with the entanglements that were holding me back--the issues in my heart that were holding me back--the issues that often hold any of us back from making positive moves like:

One maybe ignorance of such shackles but in such situation,
ask God what entanglements he wants you to be free from so you can run your race well, to live free from past mistakes, hurts and misconceptions.

Ask God what you must leave behind so you can serve him with your full life.

After all, we cannot go where we are going without leaving where we have been.

You may not really know how that journey or race will end,but just go on

When I think of this, I can’t help but remember the story of Joseph which everyone of us know, a young man in the Old Testament who was sold into slavery by his brothers.

He never knew the danger that lies ahead but he only knew of his dream.

Though they betrayed him, Joseph went on to be used by God to save a nation and said of his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20).

Despite what life throws at you people and all the pain that comes with those moments, God promises that the plans he has for you are good.

So throw off those entanglements.

Throw off anything from your past or around you that’s weighing you down and step into his promises that are beckoning you into your future.

Do away with Hate,Envy,Idle talks, back biting and allow Gods word change you from within.

What is God asking to deal in your life so you can run unhindered?