

My God and me
"Some things in life are meant to be together".
For if separate from you God,
My world will shatter,
You and me, we belong together,
I think about you all the time,
God you are my divine,
I live for you my everything,
No one can separate us,
Our relationship forms a bond,
It's everlasting, It's one in a million,
I am so bless to have you in my life,
You are my light, that shines,
So bright it lights up the dark,
I cannot live without you,
Because I will surely be lost,
You are my beautiful rose,
You never stop Blooming,
I feel so safe with you in my life,
You never leave me alone,
You never leave me out in the cold,
You are my molder,
You are my shaper,
You created me for destiny,
I feel a spark so incredible,
I sink myself into your love,
It's nothing I ever felt before,
This feeling is what I adore,
This love so deep transforms me,
I'm not the person I used to be,
Things I used to do before,
I'm not going to do them anymore,
My life has changed so much I'm sure,
I'm ready for what God has in store.

© Possibilities