

My first love is a serial killer part 4
We went back to class but we didn't talk the rest of the day. When it was time to go home they took Matt back to jail. I went to my house. I cooked dinner for my family like they where lazier then me. When I finished with the chores I went to studies in my room but I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. It was the first time I've ever kissed someone and it was a boy! But the real problem is that I liked it! I liked kissing a boy and thats not the worst part I liked kissing a serial killer! I have never felt this way about anyone. I have never even been in love. the doctors said I will never feel anything for anyone ever again so why am I feeling this way about him? Am I going crazy or something? I feel asleep with all these thoughts in my mind that it didn't even feel like I was sleeping. I woke up early to make breakfast for my family and I left for school. While I was entering school I saw Matt. He waved hi to me and I waved back for some reason. Everything is so confusing for me right now. I just hope everything goes back to normal soon.

© the unknown