

Best Days (untold love)
it's all about a guy I love unconditionally with fear of society.
when ever we both are alone it was like heartbeats on high note. and whenever we are in group we support each other.
even rest of my cousins know no matter what I'm going to choose his side.
their are so many days which still in my memories like it happen just yesterday.
I do remember so many incidence which I want to share with readers. I dont want to regret that this best part of my life I never shared with anyone.
it's a day when I'm in my granny home. my all 7uncles lives next door to each others. so every evening we all children sleep in rooftop of house which I choose. because I'm their cousin who lives in city n visited them every year so they all give me special treatment and I was like princess.
all night we talk about goest stories. I used to sleep in center of group which decied one side girls and other side all boys. next to me is my untold love(S). we all had their own blankets. I dont remember that story but after listening bcoz of fear my hand was shivering so (s) hold my hand under his blanket and told me no need to fear and listen these goest stories from now on wards.
we used to comfert each other. in village specially in summer school holidays all elder make us to help them to make snakes for whole year. while helping them (S) disapper after few min and then call me from his room to give him water or anything. and then we always listen radio songs. and if any special song come he used to say I missed you when I listen this song randomly.
in village fete he spend all his money to buy sweet or key chains for everyone just because he wants to give me and he can't give me if I'm with others. to avoid others gossip or tease he gave everyone gift but mine was always costly and unique with meaning. like key chain with alphabet of his name n my name. neckchain with heart pendent. rings.
while playing dunsharap. he always choose me in his team. once my cousins argue that they want me to be opposite team n i was like OK but he told everyone me n him in one team n rest all in other. I have almost 18cousins of almost same age. I share a big family where I never feel alone. everyone loves me unconditionally in my granny house.
my English is not so good n I'm not perfect in English at all. but bcoz I'm from city so my cousin was like I'm so good in everything.
S told me once that my other cousin like me. I was like dude what are you saying. I was not shocked bcoz I new it. but I'm surprised that S told me. I ignored him n get busy with his sister to make dinner. after dinner at late night both of my cousin S and other who have crush on me came to me and asked what was your answer then without any thought I said I like him. I was angry bcoz s asked me. I was hoping that he show his anger and gazed me with look but he went to other room after saying good night. I was standing on rooftop with my odd cousin bcoz he thought I liked him. and he hugged me. I pushed him and told him I don't like him all I was angry that's why just for shake to make S angry I told that I liked you and suddenly he kissed me I was trying to push him so hard but he hold me so tight that I was nt able to push him. I cried and then I don't know what but he stoped and told me that he felt that I like S and it's a bet between S and him that I'm going to choose S. without any turn I went to Sleep room n i closed the door. he saw me n asked why I'm crying. I slapped him and asked him why he left me alone with him. he said bcoz I choose him and I was like I choose him bcoz u asked. if u like or love someone you can't asked them with options. then I hugged him fist time n cried like baby. he was standing silent without hugging me back. he was number and I can hear all his heartbeat after few min I realised that awkward situation and I told him don't talk to me from now onwards and turn to door. as soon as i open the door he said he can't understand me. I looked back with open door and asked him what is their to understand. he said if I like my other cousin then why I'm here with him. I smiled and told him because all year I waited my summer vacation to spend with you. their is no other reason. whenever Im in city I try to listen those songs which we shared togather. I never want you to come with options because I can fight with others to be in your side but I can't fight with you. he heard and smiled like fool n come forward to hug me but after his touch I felt trumpet in my heart and I ran away in my other cousin room. Next morning he came to wake me up and told me to get ready after breakfast to come with him in field. my aunt told me to help him with planting tree. so hard for me to refuse but it was fist time when I was afraid to be with him alone. at age of 15 it's very common I guess.
while walk he started talking about what he knows about me and within seconds all my fear went away.i was so comfortable with him and I asked him if he still feelings for his ex gf. OMG .....like really if we both not connected with this cousin relationship then maybe it was my first day of dating.
after that day I always wished to converted in Muslims bcoz I heared somewhere that in their religion they can marry with their cousins. Ah.... my childhood.
we never said those precious 3words to each other. we never touched each other.
one of my cousin marriage ceremony he came to me and told me that till the end of ceremony he going to make me fall for him. 😂 he used such trick which I always wanted him to do for me. he was staring at me in front of everyone. the reason he make bet in front of all that he make me fall for him I told upfront of all I'm not going to fall for him. so actually all cousin knows it. if I win he going to treat everyone and if he win I'm going to treat everyone. in this game we both did what we actually wanted to do for each other upfront of all. while taking picture he was standing so far so he stoped photographer and asked him to click again and came next to me.
while eating with everyone he passed his sweet to my plate and told me to eat it's a symbol of his sweet heart which he wants me to eat. that night whatever he did every time my heart fluttered but I told that he lost his bet. late night he came to me and asked me if I'm tierd and want to smoke while watching Star. we both went to his rooftop and while smoking I told him how much I enjoyed his behavior and stupidity to make me fall for him. he laughed and told me that bcoz of my lie he lost his bet but it's a relief that he knows he actually sucessed.
Wow I'm really feeling that he is next to me smiling while watching me to write my untold past for strangers.
May be it's weird for readers and judge my charector but I do believe that all have their untold stories which they want to share to feel relax.
And hey readers this is not all bcoz I have so many crush time to time and all have different reasons.
in this 40 age I really don't have any more crush but I have so many memories which give me sunshine. I have night with stars while still I'm searching for rooftop with cousins.
my real life crush changed into reel crushes lol.
I do realise that time has changed but still i have those memories which make my heartbeat to go fast and slow.

I have so many memories which still wet my eyes and I still want to reply after 40 years of age. I always wished that my present was different if only I told my words on time to make thing perfect.

I'm so sorry readers because my English grammar is not good so maybe it's hard for you to understand.
bare with my sentences.

wait for my next writing and comment is always appreciated to communicate with you guys.

© Renu