

BloodWritten Chapter-IV. [For the Love]
New shivering of hope & fear swells him down onto the floor. The lost strings seem to be enforced again on his pinkish face. He stands and makes it firm; you've to help me, reach the city.

The maid looks mute and turned, into the vibe of the great Saghaar but she is confused and worried about it all.

Thence, they leave in secrecy to the river Yehlem; a maid, a child, and our blind hero.

Saghaar asks, how many boats!?

Maid replies!? Two; one already loaded, another being watched.

Saghaar; we'll take the loaded one.

Maid; I don't think we can reach the boat, they'll catch us.

Saghaar; we've to cover us, with these (holding the fallen Chinar leaves, which are all over the bank of the river.)

Help me with her, he ties his daughter to his belly and mimics the skin with dead leaves.

He follows the maid, crouching & peeking to that loaded boat.

The waters rushed them down from the watchful arrows and a few chasing sights. The oars were not in tandem but with the flow.

Suddenly maid said; why did they stop!?

Saghaar; it means we've reached the city-waters, they won't follow.

After a thread of time; when the silence grew utmost, it started to rain in arrows.

They had the only cover of barrels and the city banks were saturated with soldiers. The cover of loaded barrels was saving them from the shredded skies.

But Alas! A burning arrow was all that submerged the boat underneath smoky waters.

The maid and the girl were rescued as hostages by the city soldiers but Saghaar couldn't be found.

Soldiers cheered and roped the wailing hostages while their leader shouted, For the city!!?

Saghaar sails drowning with the flow to a sandy shore lying silent as dead for a moment and then chokes out with waters coughing almost his soul out.

Suddenly, he realizes that he could see now.!!

The blasting barrels and the icy waters seem to have conspired with his optic nerves and sailed him to the other side of the city.

He regains his vigor with an extreme mix of sorrow & happiness; as he remembers his family.

Saghaar struggles to the woods and falls asleep underneath his rigor as an aged tree...

Sighing with the rooted friends, Saghaar felt being dragged on. The skies seemed to be circling with his brains as he wasn't able to protest.

He could only see his feet following his sight with some resonating footsteps.

After a while, a splash of water woke him up in a bizarre looking Tent.

[Indistinct Chattering]

While Saghaar was regaining life through his tied limbs, a Giant with long shiny hairs was brought tied into the tent.

[Indistinct voices]

Saghaar: (Stupified), Oh! My God, it is true........
© ZiaD