

Ch 4- Satan
Though it wasn't such a big deal....I couldn't control my tears and fell asleep while crying.

The next day

I got a call from Jane early in the morning saying she wants to meet me as soon as possible.


We had agreed to meet at a park near her place.

I had been waiting for around thirty minutes and she was nowhere to be found. We were supposed to meet at 11:30am. After waiting for another fifteen minutes she arrived. She came smiling holding a sort of package in her right hand.

Jane: Hi! Sorry, I was late because I had to collect this package.

Chris: No problem. But, why did you want to meet me?

Jane: Uh....well, I sort of forgot as soon as I arrived. So, maybe we can grab some lunch together? I know a really great café that serves scrumptious burgers!

Chris: Fine.

She suddenly clung onto my right arm and started pulling me with her. I suddenly felt uncomfortable with her. She was never the clingy type. Anyways, I just brushed it off.

And so, we were at the café eating our burgers.

Jane: This is really delicious, right?

While I was in a daze wondering about that strange girl I saw yesterday.

Jane: Chris? Hey, wanna return to planet earth?

Chris: Oh, yeah. Sorry I was just wondering something.

Jane: What is it? I'm a good listener.

Chris: Thanks. I'll keep it short. So, it happened yesterday. I was driving and I saw a girl claiming to be Jane that is you. She also said that you aren't real and she is Jane. It was really weird.

Jane: Oh, really? I don't think you should pay attention to her, Chris. You know, nowadays there a lot of lunatics in Brooklyn.

Chris: Yeah, right.

Still I couldn't take it off my mind.

Chris: But, what is this package?

Jane: Yeah, this is a small painting. It was at my doorstep this morning.

She handed it to me and I started to take off the brown paper wrapped around it.

It really was a picture. But....it looked really scary. With a dark shaded background, there was a monster looking man with long hair and a large tongue putting something in his mouth....a small baby.

Chris: What...is this?

Jane: I know, right? I got scared as I saw it.

It looked so ghastly I didn't want to look at it but instead I found myself staring at it as it looked...familiar.

Chris: Wait a minute.....I know what this is!

Jane: What is it?

Chris: This...is Satan....devouring his son...According to the Greek myth of the Titan Cronus, who, fearing that he would be overthrown by one of his children, ate each one upon their birth. No wonder it looked familiar. I've seen this painting in an exhibition.

Jane: Whoa. You sound like a genius.

I chuckled.

Chris: Yeah, I have a good memory.

Jane: But why would someone leave it at my doorstep?

Chris: Don't know.

Jane: Maybe it was a mistake.

But, no. I felt as if someone did it on purpose....as if to make someone realize something.

Chris: Can I take it, if you don't mind?

Jane: Sure. I don't want to keep a painting that would give me nightmares.

Chris: All right. Thanks.

And so, we both went our ways after lunch.

I couldn't bring my mind to rest because everything seemed so weird since some days. Nightmares, blood on my hands, mysteriously bandage wrapped on my hands, the crying girl and now this painting.

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