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When we hear normally about a disaster , be it an earthquake , flood , wars or even corona , what is our initial reaction ?
It's a NEWS . So sad . That's it .We forget it the next second and pass on with our daily routines .
Well , what is wrong in that ? It's a natural reaction . Even now , while seeing the number spike up in corona cases , what do we really see ? We just see the numbers not the people who are suffering , not their helpless , hopeless , depressed state at having to be confined by themselves, not their pain of sufferings , not their yearning for their loved ones to be with them , not their hope to get timely food , water and medicines , not their broken hearts , not the suicidal thoughts tending to swallow them , and definitely not the pain of the family members who die within themselves for not being able to care for their sick one , not their desperate prayers which they hope will save their loved one , not their torment at knowing they can do absolutely nothing to help their loved one , not their distant relatives dilemma in how to comfort the family members .
We don't think a lot of things that doesn't concern us . It's a normal reaction , cause , is anyone thinking about us right now ? No , don't think so , so why should we ? When it comes to us we'll deal with it then . Yup , right attitude. But at that time when it really invades into your family , you would desperately wish and pray that no one in the world would have to go through these sufferings.
So why wait until then ? Try to know the sufferings of people around you and even if you can help them in no ways , pray for them with your whole heart exactly with the sincerity that you would pray if one of your family member was affected.
And don't have the misconception that nothing will reach near you . Life is unpredictable . Be thankful even for your next breath , as many people all over the world are breathing their last breath with your next breath. Be a compassionate and loving person .