

The Dream of Death 🧟‍♂️

In the city of Jamshedpur there is a place named Birsanagar which is very well known. where lived six friends SUMIT,VISWAJIT,LOKESH,SAKIB,PRANJAL and KARIM. there life started

When SUMIT has gone to meet SAKIB he was not at home. So he went to call VISWAJIT for YouTube video shoot ,he said no. Same time LOKESH has also come then after talking to him he asked SUMIT to come with him to CHICKU'S house for some work ,he agreed. Then they talked to CHICKU and then he took them to mysterious place. Where SUMIT and VISWAJIT were new but CHICKU was regular. It was a hill top and on top of it there was a 30m high tank. There was a temple and a huge statue of lord Hanuman. Then one by one they climbed the tank. SUMIT was scared because of his parents. Then they all took pictures and the scene was like heaven. VISWAJIT discussed with SUMIT to come again but with others and live video shoot. They all returned to there houses. That night was scary for SUMIT ... he saw a dream about the same tank but little horroric and all of them got trapped there and all the friends were dying one by one but the thing was that he was alive. Suddenly he got up ringed VISWAJIT start up his scooty and went to that tank. But the security didn't allowed them and they returned. SUMIT told the story to VISWAJIT but unluckily he didn't believed. SUMIT got tentioned about that dream but VISWAJIT was fit and fine. Then they all went to there houses.

SUMIT was standing in his main gate and VISWAJIT was also passing , he called SUMIT and asked to go to the same place. This time many more will go. SUMIT got silent and statue. He asked VISWAJIT who all were going, VISWAJIT said You,I,LOKESH,PRANJAL,SAKIB and KARIM. SUMIT thought of saying them but he didn't because they will laugh on them. SUMIT also agreed. Then VISWAJIT switch on the video and started walking when they reached the destination they thought of calling CHICKU ,but he didn't came.. They all climbed there started the photo shoot every one was excited except SUMIT he was thinking about the dream. Suddenly a shout came and PRANJAL was missing and every body was searching him VISWAJIT called EGUIEL for help but they have'nt got. while searching PRANJAL KARIM fall down into the tank. They picked up KARIM put he was dead and the sky was also dark 4 were hungry and PRANJAL was missing. They all slept there....