

I'm Sorry Mayo (3)
"Mayo..." I said softly. She screamed suddenly, out of excitement and ran towards me, regardless of whether or not her towel would fall off. She jumped on me, squeezing me tightly in her arms. I was able to pull back from her grip and looked into those beautiful eyes of hers. Her towel slightly loosened from its grip, revealing the hills of her breasts. I felt her chest firmly against my body but was too excited to pay attention. I had seen her naked quite a number of times while we were growing up, even when the was nothing. She had all the curves in the right places and I know you'd be thinking what kind of a guy I am. Well I respect women and don't take advantage of them. She was quick to tighten the towel and all the while she was talking but I honestly didn't listen to anything she was saying.

Watching her talk was enough for me. I soon forgot about my phone. "Answer me!" She said aloud, calling my attention to what she was saying. "What did you say?" I replied and cleared my throat like I wasn't lost in thoughts. "What brings you back?" She asked further. "Is the Semester over already?" "No....Uhm....Daddy called me", I replied "Uncle Joe" I grinned. "Oh I see", she hugged me tightly again "I've missed you", she added softly. My heart skipped a best and my pulse raced on hearing those words.

Shortly afterwards our conversation grew into running around the compound and splashing water on ourselves, like we did when we were a lot younger. After about an hour she stopped running, panting heavily. I knew she needed a break so I stopped chasing. I was exhausted as well but was too excited to stop. One thing I know is the feeling you get when people love you as much as you them, is priceless. She offered to cook me a meal and requested that I wait inside her living room while she gets water from the tap. I offered to help but she bluntly refused. There was no water at the tap, then she went over to the well which was by the entrance of the Compound. I couldn't just get my hands off her so I followed her. While she was drawing water out of the well, I tickled her. She squeaked. I loved the way she reacts when I tickle her. Almost immediately she turned to hit me. The ground was wet, she slipped. I tried to grab her but was only able to grab her towel.

For some seconds, it seemed everything stopped moving. There I was helplessly holding on to her towel. My heart skipped a beat and broke into a million pieces. My legs trembled in fear of what I'd see when I looked into the well of water. What just happened? I thought. Suddenly, there was a loud bang in my head and all I remembered doing was running helter skelter, looking for a rope, stick or whatever I could use to get her out but I couldn't find any. The well was far to deep. I ran into her house to get a torch. There she was stacked naked. I could see bruises on her. She lifted up her left hand slightly towards me as if begging for help. My heart was pounding really fast. I noticed her right hand and both legs were twisted to an opposite direction, such that it was obvious the bones were ruptured. I cried bitterly for minutes. What have I done? I would have calĺed out for help but I didn't. In front of the compound was a bushy path that led to the main road. How would I get someone to help out in such short notice? Who would even listen to me?

Everything happened so fast. I sat on the floor by the well and cried until there wasn't a tear left in my eyes. The water from the well soon turned red. She bled non-stop, I couldn't watch. I got up and cleared every trace of my presence there. I know what you are thinking right now, but what could I have done? Before I left, I remembered telling her I loved her so much and I was sorry. I didn't understand what was going through my mind, I just couldn't think straight. Then again, it was no excuse to leave the way I did. I didn't mean to, but I did. I grabbed my bag and ran far away, through the bushy path, not minding where it would lead me........TO BE CONTINUED.

© Eva Diaries