

There's a truth in every silence. Not all silence is true. There's meaning in maintaining silence in a hospital, library or in a cinema hall. When we maintain a silence it means that we respect the people around us. When we maintain a silence when we're not expected to it means we're hiding something from others. We don't want the other person to know what we're thinking. We don't want to be around such people. It's better not to stay in their presence. Silence is a polite way of telling that you're courteous, kind and willing. This is why we have to remain silent where we're expected to meaning that you're courteous to respect, kind and aware of the importance of others and willing to help by remaining silent. You can show respect to someone in a bus, busstop etc. You can be patient or kind to a weak student in the class or you show willingness by not expecting something in return for doing something which doesn't have to be your work. You can show respect by being polite when you're talking to a stranger and using words like may I, please before in sentences in a conversation. Some people are inconvenient in saying may I, please. Using such words in the public will influence others.

You can be kind to others by using the above words in your sentences. It not only shows that you show respect, but you're also kind. When you're aware you're aware to something around you. The cleanliness in your street, classroom or school. You'll organize something to keep your street, city or school clean. You're aware that unclean strets, city, work places or schools can affect the health of the people and the population in that place. This in turn will lead to people falling sick, spreading infection and outbreaks of diseases in an area or place. So you will be doing something from preventing this to happen to you and others. You'll be calling the local person in charge to maintain cleanliness in your area or write to them as the case may be. But, you'll be taking an action showing that you're aware of something leading others to do the same in their localities. So the power of silence is so great that you'll learn more as you take action.

We will move on to see how we can learn to be silent. Some people by nature or not silent. When we look deeply into why there are some people who by nature are silent and why some are not. Okay, the real problem is not with them. The problem can be due to the society in which they live. But, that is only a small percentage of people who by nature are not silent. The larger percentage of the population who are not silent is because of coming from a broken family or due to estranged husband's and wives. Children coming from such backgrounds are not normally silent. Now any person who wants to learn the fruits of silence can do it. This is not taught to you in schools or in workplaces. A person who is interested having seen the power of silence in others must learn it by themselves.

I'm giving away some tips on how to be silent:

1. If you have a chance to listen to music then you can turn on the music. Music will calm your mind, soothe your feelings and will let you ♥ to express your feelings in silence. Music will gravitate and it will teach you to focus, concentrate and listen.

2. After music the next best thing would be take a book and read. As the saying goes a book is the best friend. It will expand your thinking, imagine as you read and also teach you a few new things. Thereby your focus is being directed to something more positive and constructive. A good book not only will give some good information, but it will also put it in a nice way enjoyable, fun and in an attractive way that you'll be able to image those things in real as you read.

3. Next a friend can help you to stay calm. You can be agitated, loud or confused. A friend can help you with your problem.

4. Apart from the above you might slso need some medical help with your problem. Sometimes the problem can be from birth. In such cases your family doctor can help.

5. Next we are going to see how we can get help from doing exercises such as a morning jog or walk, an evening walk with your friend, running in a ground etc. Physical exercises can help you to slow down and calm down. Some of the toxins in your body can be the real cause for your problems. Exercises will bring out those toxins in your body which is making you to act and think differently.

6. A financial difficulty can be the real cause of your problem. In such cases develop a habit of writing your diary or writing down your expenses. When you write down something it will give you a better and bigger picture of your nagging cause of your problem.

7. Let's see some of your problems which you can't see for yourselves. The ways I have given above when you're able to see the problems by yourself. Sometimes it can be different. Your problem can be your neighbor who is making noise in the middle of the night and not allowing you to go to sleep in the middle of the night everyday. Maybe they are having a party every night. In such cases you can talk to them and let them know your concern. They actually might not be aware of disturbing in the night. Make it aware to them and you will discover more the power of silence in real time.

8. It actually might not take in a single day you'll learn everything. But, little by little overtime you are going to learn. But, your everyday progress will add up over a year, ten years or fifteen years. But, it definitely will add up and you will soon start enjoying and taste the power of silence and you'll never want to go back to your past life as you have lived before.

9. If you're having any bad habits you need to give it up and start doing one of the things above. With a bad habit you'll not see any progress. Bad habits don't go well along with if you are learning to better yourself. So first and foremost it is important to give up any bad habits and you will start seeing your own growth. As I said earlier it won't be easy in a day. Little by little over a few days, weeks and months you'll start seeing growth. In order to maintain that growth you must not stop learning and it must be your routine and part of your life everyday for the rest of your life.

When you see people going on hiking, sports or certain people doing a certain thing for years it is an exercise for them. If you ask me whether you will benefit from such an advice as above. Let me say haven't you seen people participating and winning in sports such as running, games, swimming etc? If they are able to achieve results because of regular practice and hardwork you too will get your reward of hardwork and practice.

Stress is a common problem today which leads to depression, anxiety and fear. First and foremost you need to overcome the fear that is holding you back. Like I said stress can lead to creating toxins in your body which can in turn go against your health leading to social or interpersonal problems. First you have to identify the stress and you can use one or all my nine tips above to identify and overcome the build up of stress and toxins in your body. Once you are done then you can come out of your depression, anxiety, anger or fear. Many times our problems are because of fear. This has to be identified and rectified with my nine tips. Apart from that I have also said of toxins in the body which can increase all your problems.

A few additional tips on how to be silent:

1. Fast reading will help you decrease the amount of stress.
2. Personal hygiene can go a long way in a person's development.
3. Regular sleep will also help you to perform better.
4. If you're using a car or two wheeler for work, you can try a public transport to reach your office or work.
5. Stop doing things that is going to distract you like mobile phone etc.

Remember if something is going to challenge you it is for your better. Just as in a physical exercise like weights, push-ups, sit-ups etc initially it is going to hurt you. This is because your muscles will tear before they start developing. In the same way it is with the muscles in your brain it is going to give some pain initially. So challenges are good. If something won't challenge, you won't take it up in the first place. Finally, I haven't given you enough examples for you to follow. I wish you take my above tips and find the examples I've missed to give. You will not find one, but many. This is for you to think for yourself. Don't wait until you run out of solutions you may then have to start again from the beginning.

Summary And Conclusion: Let me revise the whole thing in a nutshell what we've discussed above. We have discussed about the power of silence. Silence can mean a lot and different to many people. Sometimes you required to stay silent. A way to show that you respect others just as you, to show that you are made to become aware of something and also by being silent you show willingness to take action when you're asked to or being demanded in a situation. As we discussed side by side we also saw some examples of the power of being silent. We saw the benefits of being silent. We saw some tips yo identify and grow the qualities of silence. We saw some additional tips at a person level. We discussed the challenges we're likely to face in self development. We saw the benefits of those challenges and then we saw the negative side of not taking action.

© S. Francis Hector