

The Man Was A Kidnapper - Chapter 3 ( Mysteries Has Solve Part 2 )
I'm start running back to my camp but I still can't fund the way to go out from the forest. So I decided to scream and calling my friend. Maybe they can hear me.
Sadly, there's no one answering me. Just a couple of bird that still awake fly at the air, go to the tree and fly to another tree.
Wait!!! Isn't that the bird that I saw a couple day ago?? Yes... it is.
The bird I saw had flying away. Suddenly, there's something telling me from my heart and connected it through my mind. I'm following the bird everywhere they go.
I thing, the bird is the way for me to get out. I'm still following the bird. But, on my way following them, the thin black hat ghost was just behind me. It trying to catch me but it can't.
I'm running and running with a lot of energy so the thin black hat ghost can't catch me. I'll run and run... After that, I'll then success go out from the forest.
I'm just getting out from the creepy forest, I'm getting more scared when i saw all my friend had died been kill by someone.
I'm screaming loudly because im scared. Not in a minute, I saw a shadow belong to someone walking from behind of our camp go in front of me. My eyes can't blink and my mouth can't talk cause I'm really shocked.
"Don't be scared" Say the man with a knife that still holding at his left hand.
"Mr.Nazri!!! Its you!!!" I'm talk slowly. Mr.Nazri just smiling looking at me. He suddenly stabbed me by the knife at his left hand.

( The End )