

A Genuine Smile
And when smiling on my own become so hard.I look for other reasons to be happy like the beauty of the rainbow after a storm, a beautiful sunset, sweet taste of brownie, bursting balloons, a warm hug of a friend ,walking in the woods, making ppl laugh, taking pictures of random things ,seeing my beloved ppl happy ,staring the moon and starry sky, cool morning breeze, my mothers precious smile and much more lil things.!! I know a lot of ppl are living like this looking for the Lil things that makes their heart feels good and this also gives me hope that I'm not alone but it also terrifies me because its not easy living like this its extremely hard ,exhausting and can be painful sometimes. I know faking smiles is the hardest thing sometimes, It feels like that you're lying to your own self and then there's a time came when you think that when the last time I smiled genuinely you think and think but you no longer remember that moment when you last smiled.. (A Genuine one) that came straight from Your heart.
its now has lost somewhere.I wish and I really want that every person can have that kind of genuine happiness in their life which fill their hearts with ease and comfort. I wish they no longer can feel sadness or emptiness what only exist in their life is real happiness. How wonderful it would be if it can be a forever thing.!! But unfortunately this can't be happen.
