

At the first time when reporting at westland, her mother ask her to read what was it written on the board. She read it and get right. The word it was written that " SPEAK ENGLISH" After she has got right both of them smile and went to report.
After she has being reported, she was being taken everyday with a school bus. In that school alot of arab people were studdying than africans people. When continue studdying the school was not consetrating alot of time to speak English. Only arab people who belong In that language were the people who speak most.

In that school on that time it was allowing them to got with extra food from home, although at school they were being prepare for them. Kei was going with it everyday and keep it to madame only after reporting in the morning. At the first time after she had eat the school food and when went to eat the food which she keep to madame, she eat at little food. The food which it remains she return at home. The next day when she came with it again, she eat it and the remainder she divide it and the continer went empty. In how days were continue to go Kei became at good eater, she was eating both school food and home food. Bus latter on she was eating only food of home. But one day when prepare herself to school, her mother could not pay a both school fees and bus. When taken in the school bus after reach to school,her conductor of school bus came and pick her and return her at home.
At home when returned, she could not gave her aunt the food and keep it in her bag. When time of going to eat, her aunt refused her. This is because at morning she went with her share, Kei stand up while invoruntally upto in her room. When eating it, she feeld to wantt vormiting and stop to eat. The food she could not like to eat again. She called her fellow relative Amina to eat it although she was in ungry. When her mother return in the evening she could not tell her mother anything.

Only after one or two days Kei payment were ready and continue going to school.
At school she could not like to wear tie at all, although it was most to wear it. This is because only at the first day at school there was some reader closs to her bag at the neck. She find and help to one sir while speaking that she was not like it, but sir told her that she mast wear it.

In that school Kei love it most, than all school which she has learn. She was performing very well in her prep 1 and 2. In there performing the visitor who was coming in everyday long holiday, he/she was giving every 5 pupils in every class. The thing which she remember is were, there was and visitor came and there masame choose only one pupil to because and presentative to another and being gifted. Kei could not like it but she could not do anything on that and not consider with it, although she was performing too on that subject.
In that school she was having a friend who was liking her wearing style and her eat rings. Because she was looking very beutiful and Kei ends being smile after being told that she was liking good. Only one thing she remember is that one day when she could not wear her ear rings and having being given her alot how good she was, she only show her that she could not have them in her ear because when speaking she mention her ear rings. And there it was there last meeting of them to meet again. Because mother of Kei was doing process of shifting her in other school without Kei to know.

In that school Kei was liking games at all, only at the break time of break she was going very fast at the games which she like before her fellow pupils take it. This is because only if it has being taken, her fellow pupils were not like to give each other space to enjoy. This it was the some of reason which cause her to do not consetrating to eat school food, because after went to eat the games which she like to pay it could be taken.
One madame was very exited of her how she usualy go fast at the break and being enjoyed.
One day during weekend, she came with her relative to enjoy. Only reach at the games their aunt whose is Fatuma pick a cent. Both child feel sory to themseleves, this is because they could not pick them. After enjoying, one of her relative who is a young sister of Amina could not like to go home her name is Marium. She was wanting to remain in those games. She went home while crying, this is because she could not ever enjoy in her all life in that way. When reach at home, she was ready sleep when carried with her aunt. And it was ready night at 19 pm.

Kei was not knowing English language, this is because they could not practice at school. She was knowing only few words. One day in the class when sitting with one arab in the class, who was like to sing verymuch. Every in one period of one madame who was teaching them, it was not pass on her period without the boy have sang. The song which he was being told to sing called MEKIMERO DIS MY HURT and one song which I have forgoten. This is because he could not sing it at all that song. It was sang as follows
Although I could be wrong in how it was sang
" Makimero dismyhurt(×3) tolobii ooh no.
Aah (×2)
lessozaa (×2)
Neals body (×2)
Stomack out (×2)

Meekimerodismyhurt (×2)" And hence repeated again from the begin.

When she sat with that boy, Kei feel proud. When talking they start jocking each other. But latter own when jocking each other and say to every one that they will report to madame, the arab boy came report her in true after Kei pinch him and report her while sitting on his dask"Teacher Kei has pinching me"When the boy report her, madame could not consetrate to them in anything. And Kei hence say "NO"
After the boy speak that word, Kei came and catch it easly without forgetting it. Because she was continue doing her daily practice to know English.
At the side of Amina at now she was going in class three in next year and Kei was in prep2. After prep2 she was going to start class one.
The some thing which she was remember is that, one day when she was waiting her school bus, she heard Amina speaking with her fellow pupil that to do not go to school. This is because teachers will not teaching anything and not came. It was seemed like they were being laited to get their payment. But Kei could not consetrate with them how they have continue speaking upto the end. Because she was only bus looking for the bus to allive and Amina with her fellow were speaking while continue walking to school slowly. When turn back home, Kei was ready forgoten what Amina was speaking at the morning. She came to remember after her mother want to punish Amina, because she could not reach at school on that day. After being reminded when her mother was speaking, she adds that yes she heard her at the morning speaking the tittle of not going to school on that day. Due to that, Amina could not being listened with mother of Kei. She was being punish on that day.


© Husna Johari