

Darkness. There was darkness everywhere. Not a leaf to be seen. Deafening silence. The air was filled with sadness and fear. Bats, crows, and eagles are flying in the sky with happiness. There's someone coming. There was someone coming. No, it was them. Souls were coming. Now souls are free. They are no longer cursed. Those souls who mercilessly killed humans 500 years ago have been cursed. They wanted to destroy the world. The end has come. A further 500 years have passed. They were cursed with those 500 years. They were caged. Their blood was spilt. They were dying to watch humans die.

Humans fear the soul. They are that dangerous. Nalds! Among the towns that will be destroyed throughout the world was Nalds. However, Nalds was the first town to be destroyed since the god of peace cursed those souls there. That’s where God of peace’s tomb is buried. But there was something else special over there.

Morgan stood in front of her house with a wicked smile on her face. She was neither happy nor sad. Her feelings were unknown. She watched the creatures as they flew through the sky. The creatures would be happier in another few hours. What a cruel world. In two hours, those souls will be free. There will be no more gods to save them. Humans will not be able to live after today, but that will happen when Morgan helps them.

She is the one! She is! When souls started thinking of killing humans and ruling the world 500 years ago, the god of peace helped humans, but now? Who will help? Humanity is powerless. But humans can do something. For Morgan, staying at home is an option. She lives in a house built upon the tomb of the God of Peace. Morgan can only live in that house without fear. There is no danger to her there. As God of Peace predicted the future, a girl would be born showing all her features of soul, she would destroy the world. That's why she shouldn't help souls. If she does, their powers will increase.

The truth prevailed. Morgan was the girl who was going to destroy the world. The more time passed, the scarier her eyes became. The tattoo on her arm was glowing. She instantly caught everyone's eye. Her appearance was frightening. How she used to wear white dresses to look in a dark atmospheric world like others has changed. She had changed. Now she loves black. Now she wanted black. Now she wore black. People kept their distance from her. Some told her not to leave the house.

Her heart had different desires. In fact, she wished she could stay at home. After all, she didn't want the world to end because of her. She wanted to help, but not kill. In more than one hour, Morgan will be free of powers and souls.

“Morgan! Come inside. It’s not safe out.” Her boyfriend. She loved him more than anything in the world. She obeyed him. She never refused to obey him. He loved her too. They were childhood friends before they fell in love.

Her body began to burn the moment she stepped inside. It felt like fire. She felt hot and like her body was on fire. Looking at the clock, she realized why. It was over. They are free now. The 500-year period is over. The souls are free. Hearing the loud screams, her boyfriend's ears are closed. People were running. She smirked when she saw how a soul was killing humans. She saw how all the body parts were separated. It was very bloody. People were turning into ashes.

Some people were safe! They had the locket of God of Peace. Since the original one was destroyed many years ago, duplicates were made. Quite a few. For future use. Those lockets frighten the souls. They never approach humans who have lockets.

What Morgan would give to be able to soar like that. How high. Dreams are just dreams.

"Morgan, I think we're out of water." Her boyfriend shouted from the kitchen. She nodded and stepped into the kitchen, ignoring her desires.

She said plainly, "I will bring."

“No way Morgan. You will be tempted by those souls. Never! Never go out. I will bring water.” Morgan's eyes turned dark as she heard him. She too wanted freedom.

After her boyfriend went out with the locket which will help to be alive but somehow those lockets don't scare Morgan, once Morgan is out of the house. Death is sure to follow. Humans will go extinct.

Her gaze shifted to the window as soon as she changed her dress. Several souls were flying outside her house. Crows and eagles were screaming. The souls even spoke, but humans were unable to comprehend their language. Did they have some unsaid language? It must have been terrifying.

Slowly and seductively, she mouthed something to souls and walked to the door. One hand on the doorknob, the other on her heart. She could feel all those promises flashing in her mind. What could she do? After all, she isn't human. She shouldn't punish herself in this way.

When she stepped out of the house, her dress changed into a black coat and a small crown appeared on her head.

Wefts. All the souls followed her up in the sky as she flew with her magical wings. There was a lot of noise. Things were terrifying.

The moment Morgan's boyfriend was taking water near the river, everything became loud and scary.

One of the villagers whispered, "Morgan is no longer human." They were mentally prepared to die. Just like his heart, Morgan's boyfriend’s pot fell to the ground and broke to pieces.

As Morgan flew high in the sky, she closed her eyes. She whispered something loud enough for humans to hear. To us, it's just a town view, but to Morgan, it's the whole world. Morgan has ears as sharp as knives. Her senses are acute.

Her eyes were a lot different as she opened them after murmuring something. They were completely black. Her sclera and pupil were different. She looked so dark. Power emanated from her. Scream. That was her next action! Her shrieks caused people's ears to bleed and their hearts to stop. Earth soon suffered so much destruction.

She plunged to the ground near the river, where her boyfriend was struggling to survive. Tears trickled down both of their faces as they fell. After saying "I am sorry," she raveled hands with him. At that moment, the body of the deceased left the earth and was swept away. Her eyes watched all the dying humans surrounding her. The skies were filled with shrieks of happiness.

In the end, no humans remained. The darkness won. The darkness had its way.

Short story by Akshaiya💜
© Akshaiya