

beginning of new chapter ( part 1)
Siya's First Day

Siya, a beautiful and kind-hearted girl, felt nervous on her first day at a new school, especially since she was joining in the middle of the semester. Her gentle nature and warm smile made her instantly likable.
As she entered the classroom, she spotted a familiar face - her childhood friend Maya. Maya's presence eased Siya's nerves. When they met, Maya introduced Siya to the class and reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll help you catch up on the previous syllabus.
After the teachers arrived, they introduced Siya again and asked her to share something about herself. The teacher then called upon the class representative, Ram, to assist Siya. Siya had wanted to sit with Maya, but the teacher arranged for her to sit with Ram instead. Ram was a popular student, being the school topper, and his father was also a trustee of the school.

In all classes, Ram made a conscious effort to help Siya understand the chapters taught by the teachers. He would explain complex concepts in a simple way, making sure she grasped them before moving on. After class, he would share his notes with Siya, highlighting important points and adding additional explanations. Siya was grateful for Ram's help and began to look forward to their study sessions together.

During lunchtime, Maya and Siya would go to the canteen together, catching up on each other's lives. Maya seemed friendly and welcoming. After lunch, Maya would take Siya on a tour of the school, introducing her to new classmates and showing her the different facilities. Siya was excited to explore her new school and appreciated Maya's efforts to make her feel more comfortable.
© anaya raj singh