

Dragon King Episode Two The Dragon Kingdom
After the dragons take the prince out of the forest General Brennius is furious that they were not able to kill Prince Terreus. "Look for him and kill him and the dragons, they will become a threat to my Kingdom later!" exclaimed the general. Meantime, the dragons have reached the Bedrogarth boiling isle, the home of mystical dragons. The one who takes the prince is Skywing he is an elder dragon, cooper scales, and exceptionally large wings. His breath is a fire and à bolt of electricity a smart and uncanny dragon. The other dragon is a Hellgleam also an elder dragon with black scales. His breath is a bolt of electricity and magic, he is a necromancer and very powerful and dangerous. They will be the parents of the prince who will nurture him to be a great warrior to take revenge for his parent's massacre and will be the DRAGON KING. Skywing is living in an active volcano while Hellgleam is living in a ruined city just outside Bedrogarth where the prince will be living with him. At Slecan kingdom repairs of destroyed buildings are going, "kill all those who will not cooperate with us, take all girls and make them slaves! the general shouted.

© alexander