

Signs and Fate...
She held on to the fragile branch with a death's grip as the roaring water threatened to drag her away.
She gasped, the bubbling swirls entering her mouth. There was no hope left. If she wasn't able to get out of the water in the next few minutes, she would end up dead, her body floating away till she was flung over the waterfall.
The last thing she expected was to be betrayed by the man she fell in love with. She should have seen the signs. Why couldn't she, she wondered. His behavior had a drastic turn around when he returned from his trip abroad. He began acting in a way that wasn't associated with him, yet she mistook that for his mood swings.

He always had mood swings.

Well, it was to late. She could feel her hand slipping, her fingers slowly letting go of the branch that she held on to. The water rose up to her face, very close to her eyes and she gave in, finally embracing her fate.

But just before she drowned, she caught a glimpse of a fair hand reaching out for her.

© Naomi Obasi