

In A Read Wow
The door was open and I went to it
But I saw a car
And it was nice new and had tented
So I went the door
And it opened
And it was a book on
the seat.
So I took it and the car pulled off
Then I headed for the house
I did not order this
But I wondered why this car
was in my drive way honking
So I went to see what it wanted
The title of the book
Your The Twentieth
weird I thought for a book
But I kept turning pages
And reading
Oh it didn't make sense
But I did understand
This was my book and the car
the man who owned it
was my family
And he sent it to me
To take care of me
But was it a good book
or bad
Now that I have yet to find out
But it sat on my
table and opened
To a mansion called
Fort Of Green
So it had riddles an high
winds and I blew around
there room
until I blew in
And then I landed on
there mansion floor
And a group
said hey you are here now
so let us give you
These this and much more
And they do
I drive the rolls around the ground s
play crochet
Eat watercress
drink wine tea
And eat grapes
But then one day I woke early
And the sky was grey
Then it was a note by my bed
It said to come down stairs
I do and. I step in the circle
Then the wind comes again
And I blew through time
back to my kitchen
As if I never left.
And I say wow what a book it
gave me the feel
As. if I was at the real place
once I read the story had me
And I loved reading
This strange book really takes you away.
Then I pore myself some juice
And enjoy my evening.