

As she looked into the basket it was her husbands head as she wept holding her husband's head as she went home broken by her husbands death. One fine day she heard a knock on her door she was a bit surprised because no-one ever comes knocking as she opened the door it was no other than... her husband the wife cried "My husband where have you been all this time I've been worried sick", as the husband responded I'm fine, sorry for worrying you my universe". As the wife was curious about her husband's disappearance so she went to one of his friends which went with him the sameday but she found it confusing because the bother of them went and she carried back her husband head, while his friend came back all in one piece, as she spoke to the friend she realised that he got nervous when she mentioned her husbands name Elisha as it was his turn to answer the question but he started stuttering, didn't your husband die three months ago, "my husband is home she responded cooking for me". As he started to stutter more he even got nervous as if he was guilty of something as she realized something was off on her way home she wondered how did he know that my husband died, as she try walking home with a steady mind then she remembered that her husband died indeed and she told no one as she went home to tell her husband how her day went, then he found the basket with his head in it.....To be continued
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