

Chapter 5: Four Petite Duchesses
Lord Patrick William Howard set out to set up a dynasty on Star Base 12. when he first arrived on Star Base 12 back in 2140 with his Consort Lady Penelope Margaret Deveraux.

Lord Patrick William Howard's eldest son Lord Frederick William Howard had five children and it was thought his second son Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and through his eldest son Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR that the Howard's became the most poweful aristocrats on Star Base 12.

It was Lord Andrew Charles Howard that advanced his kin to the power that they had.

At Beltane Manor around a little table sat Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane, Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene, Lady Alexandra Katherine and Lady Charlotte Victoria Maude having a tea party and they were all destined to become Duchesses of Star Base 12.

Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene was already Duchess at birth but the other three had to wait their turn.

Lady Karissa with Lady Victoria and Lady Patricia watch their daughter's play with each other at Beltane Manor.

They are all first cousins as their father's are brothers and they share the same great grandfather Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and the same grandfather Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and the same great great great grandfather Lord Patrick William Howard the first Duke of Norfolk Territory on Star Base 12.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard Duke of Norfolk walks into the nursery at Beltane and Lady Karissa with Lady Patricia and Lady Victoria rise and cutsy and he bows and smiles as he sees his two daughters playing with his two nieces.

" What a nice surprise Lord Andrew Charles and what brings you into the nursery." Lady Karissa asks.

" I thought I would visit my four Duchesses today. I am the great great great grandson of Lord Patrick William Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

" What do you want a chest or a medal to put it on Lord Andrew Charles Howard.'" Lady Karissa asks " None of these children would exist without Lady Victoria, Lady Patricia or me. I didn't know that men had wombs." Lady Karissa laughs.

Lady Victoria burst out laughing " All The Howard men think that they are the Goddess gift to women."

" Frankly, Lord Charles Andrew III is a terrible lover." Lady Victoria says " He can't even make me cum."

" Lord Patrick William is a good lover and I wouldn't trade him." Lady Patricia explains.

" I prefer Lord Richard William Carey but then again Lord Andrew Charles visits me only when it is time to procreate another Howard." Lady Karissa admits.

" Lady Karissa I have Lady Teess Hardwick as a mistress and she excites me." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

" Lord Andrew Charles go and ball her to death with my blessing.'" Lady Karissa laughs.

" I will be paying you a conjugal visit this evening Lady Karissa. " Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

" You know whete I am at Lord Andrew Charles but we have had our four children." Lady Karissa explains.

" I will come to your suite this evening Lady Karissa. " Lord Andrew Charles states.

" I will be waiting Lord Andrew Charles." Lady Karissa states and with that Lord Andrew Charles lraves the nursery.

All three of the women break out in laughter.
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